719 Chapter 716 (1/2)

”Ilyana, I know that you are watching,” the fourth Leon said. ”You don't have to hide anymore.”

Suddenly, Ilyana appeared before him. As expected, she was ready to offer back up if Leon needed it. In fact, Leon felt her mana making the region vibrated when his head exploded for the first time, but she reacted on time to stop when she felt that his mana was still active.

”What?” Ilyana asked, showing an expression without any emotion.

”Sorry about before…” the fourth Leon said. ”I couldn't risk everything… even though you already showed me what happened.”

”Is that so?” Ilyana said, still not showing any emotion on her face and eyes.

”I'm sorry for making you endure all this by yourself,” Leon said and then lowered his head. ”Although you did all this on your own volition, I believe I'm part of the reason… Anyway, what I said before still stands. We are both suffering a lot through this, but now I'm willing to accept everything… as long as we reach our perfect end.”

”I wonder about that…” Ilyana looked away while rubbing her chin. ”I made a lot of sacrifices until now, but are you willing to do the same?”

”Yes,” Leon nodded.

”For example… if I were to tell you not to involve yourself with other women, would you do it?” Ilyana asked.

”Yes… but promising that will change anything?” the fourth Leon frowned. ”Once you reset the time, I will forget everything, after all.”

”That is fine. It isn't a problem,” Ilyana smiled sweetly. ”You seem to forget that I'm older than you, so I will be able to intervene with your life quite a bit while you are unaware of it. In any case, I just need your permission.”