718 Chapter 715 (1/1)

”It looks like I grew up a little here…” Leon muttered while he observed the eyes full of determination of the fourth Leon. ”Let's just hope he will do the right thing and won't mess up.”

Just as he had seen when he used Foresight, Tyrselle suddenly appeared before Leon. Until now, everything proceeded according to her plans, so she was in a good mood and appeared, showing an amazing smile. However, the smile quickly faded away when she saw Leon's serious expression.

”I see you have made your choice,” Tyrselle glared at Leon. ”I should have known that such a roundabout method wouldn't work…”

”No… to be honest, I'm still sorting my options here,” the fourth Leon said. ”Let's reach a middle ground, Tyrselle. You did some unforgivable things, but thanks to you, this time, those I love are still alive. I owe you for that, and that is why I'm offering you this chance.”

”Do you seriously think that you have the power to defy me?” Tyrselle frowned. ”You may have recovered the knowledge of how to use the skills that you used to defeat me before, but the same trick won't work twice. Besides, you have nowhere near the mastery over your abilities to replicate that again.”

”I'm fully aware of it,” Leon nodded. ”I will have to improvise… but even if I fail, you won't succeed in your plans. While Ilyana is out there, she will do the same thing over and over again until she is satisfied or gets tired of it. She probably can face you right now, or at the very least, she has enough power to reset time again.”

”You are dead wrong if you think that you can convince me to spare you and her after making me lose so much time,” Tyrselle said while showing her madness true her eyes. ”Those memories of the last times are very useful; I can feel myself much more powerful than before… but the amount of time I wasted all because of you two… isn't something I can forget.”

”You seem to have forgotten that we also have the memories of the other times,” the fourth Leon shrugged. ”That being said, we aren't as old as you… so I can more or less understand a little bit of your anger. However, you don't have anything to win by letting that anger control you. Like I said… let's compromise here. I will let bygones be bygones, so you do the same, and I will do my best to convince Ilyana as well. After this, we will work together to reach our goals.”

”… Die.” Tyrselle said and then made the fourth Leon's head explode.

Congratulations! You have become a Level one Corrupted Dragonewt!

Your strength and intelligence will increase by forty points, your mana, health, stamina, and recovery will increase by twenty points whenever you level up your class.

Congratulations! You have become a Level one Draconic Battlemage!

Your strength and intelligence will increase by forty points, your mana, health, stamina, and recovery will increase by twenty points whenever you level up your class.

”Just like you learned how to use my conceptual attacks, I decided to follow the same path you used to get stronger.” The fourth Leon said, and then his body begun to shine a little, and then the light disappeared, and his body became semi-transparent.

”That annoying little trick again won't save you this time,” Tyrselle bit her lips in annoyance.

”I wonder about that…” Leon shrugged. ”Eating dragon hearts for ten thousand years certainly can change people like you and me. Although I don't have the power of gluttony, it doesn't change the fact that now I can regenerate myself just like you and not lose a single gram of my body.”

It was only obvious that the reason behind Tyrselle crazy regenerative abilities came from eating dragon hearts day and night. That was the first idea that came to the fourth Leon's mind. Despite all the knowledge he obtained, he couldn't think of a way to defeat Tyrselle in a fair fight. Even if he cheats a lot, he couldn't see a path that would lead him to victory, but at the very least, he would be able to stop her for the time being. More than that, Leon would also be able to give Ilyana a lot of mana if she isn't ready to reset time again.

Tyrselle paid no mind to Leon's words. Instead of that, she crushed, ripped him apart, sliced him so many times that Leon lost the count. After watching Leon's unfazed face for quite a while, Tyrselle finally noticed how the people felt when they tried to fight her…

”I will never forgive you,” Tyrselle glared at Leon. ”I will kill you and that bitch in the most painful way possible and make you both regret from ever being born… those who you hold dear won't have a quick death. They will pay for you getting on my way once again.”