571 Chapter 569 (1/2)
”Well, now... I guess this is time where I should begin to worry, right?” Leon asked.
Leon didn't experience the effects of the fifth stage of assimilation, but he wasn't expecting to experience that on that island and so earlier. Obviously, Leon didn't expect that things would proceed at the same speed as Earth, but even so... finding monsters that only appear after in the fourth stage after one hundred and forty years was a bit too strange.
”I guess Sekundez didn't plan everything with care...” Leon said. ”If she experienced things at this speed, maybe in one hundred years I will face the monsters that only appear at the fifth stage of assimilation. While that is good to level up my skills, I'm worried about the rest of my time here...”
The moment Leon stopped his training, he would think about problematic things, so he decided to focus himself again. Thanks to it, he obtained a lot of status points, even though it took him a few years. Fortunately, he also had some time to test a few things he was training. Leon never tried to create spells like a golden arrow, golden lance, but once he tried, he failed. Leon also experimented with other materials, but nothing happened. However, there was a variation of the earth that he managed to create spells with.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Crystal Bullet.
Cost: 40 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Crystal Punch.
Cost: 80 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Crystal Arrow.
Cost: 100 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Crystal Lance.
Cost: 250 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
”Those unexpectedly cost a lot of mana... but their power if quite surprisingly high,” Leon concluded while he was leveling up them against the hippogryphs.
Although the crystal projectiles were weaker than the steel ones, they could fly faster. Maybe it was due to their weights, but Leon didn't want to think too much about the subject since he could overpower his enemies with spells that combined the power of several elements.
Regardless, while Leon was leveling up his new skills, he also was checking Ilyana's vault. It has been a long while since he bought a tome from there, so it was time to make good use of it. Fortunately, it didn't take long for Leon to find something quite interesting...
Foresight tome
Cost: 10,000 mana per second
Cooldown time: 6,000 seconds
Cost: 0 and 1,000,000,000,000 coins. (Since you are stupid, I know you will spend your coins.)