570 Chapter 568 (1/2)
Cost: 300 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Poison Shield.
Cost: 250 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Plasma Shield.
Cost: 1000 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
While Leon was looking for inspiration, for powerful abilities, he learned a few more interesting spells. Although the primary use of that kind of shield was to nullify elemental attacks, they could be used offensively as well. Rather, not using them offensively was a waste of mana.
”I wonder if there are some other spells that I can use at the same time and learn the combined version of those spells,” Leon rubbed his chin. ” I guess the most obvious choices are the zones skills and the spells that increase my status.”
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Absolute Enhanced Zone.
Cost: 2000 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
”As I had expected, the cost of mana is a lot higher than all the basic skills combined,” Leon said. ”Still, that is a bit troublesome.”
In any case, it will take a long while before Leon has the power to keep such skill active for so long. Although the cost to keep his status bonus would also have a similar cost, Leon decided to do it anyway because there is always a chance that he might forget to do that later.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Omni-Augmentation
Cost: 2500 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
”Mmm... I guess it would be too weird if this type of skill had several levels,” Leon said.
Unfortunately, Leon only learned that when he used all of the highest tiers of spells that increased his status. Still, given that spell alone could increase his status by ten points per level, it was more than satisfactory.
”I guess what really would solve all my problems was finding a skill that increases my recovery like Mana Sacrifice,” Leon nodded to himself. ”Still, while it is logical that endurance and strength can be increased by doing physical activities, I can't imagine what kind of action could increase my recovery.”
Leon already had one hundred and ten years of experience using magic. He already knew what he had to do to increase all his status with the exception of luck and recovery. Considering that, imagining himself discovering that kind of thing was becoming harder and harder. Still, also while considering that he would stay for thousands of years in that imaginary space, it was a bit early to give up on that.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Fire Web.