417 Chapter 416 (1/2)
”Mmm... this place is...”
Leon couldn't help but frown when he looked around, he had imagined that he would see a world very similar to one of the elemental golems, but that one also looked very ordinary. Leon could see in the distance a forest, a few mountains and... a massive castle.
”The sentient race of this planet still exists? That is surprising... but if that is the case, why they aren't trying to invade Earth?”
Maybe Leon should change his mindset a little... it was a bit harsh to consider that every single creature of other planets were his enemies. Regardless, the building was so massive that Leon couldn't even see any scratches from that distance. It was hard to imagine if that had been built after the dragons appeared or before and managed to survive their attacks.
”I wonder what I should do... if there are people there, I can't understand why they didn't try to communicate with the humans from Earth. If they aren't interested in domination or aren't concerned with them, it must be because they are powerful, but that doesn't make any sense, since this world is supposed to be on the third stage of assimilation.”
The more Leon thought about it, the more confused he got. To avoid problems and unpleasant surprises, Leon decided to lay low for a while and do his own things. He came to that world to train, after all. Not to make friends. It didn't take long before a few elementals started to approach the purple crystal that would lead to Earth.
”I guess it is time to level up my skills. I must start following the order on the list...”
After covering the monsters' bodies with earth magic, Leon shot several Fire Bullets toward them by combining Fast Conjuration and Multi-Conjuration. Leon used a lot of mana, but the creatures also started to tremble while they suffered damage... even though they were creatures that had no proper feelings like fear, they still could react that way upon receiving damage.
Congratulations! The skill Earth Creation has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Fire Bullet has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Earth Creation has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Fire Bullet has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
It didn't take long before Fire Bullet could reach level fifty, Leon used a lot of mana, after all. Despite that, some elementals were resisting and didn't die... they were all Fire Elemental, as expected. Leon already imagined something like that would happen, so he fired Ice Bullets toward them at the same time he was slowly consuming the mithril around his body.