164 Chapter 163 (1/2)

Ren and Leon talked for a while, about most things that happened but in detail. Ren nodded when he heard that all people involved directly and indirectly on the kidnapping died, but couldn't help but frown when he heard Leon brought back their railgun.

”I heard that they killed a dragon a few years ago with that weapon... Although they had to hit the head to do it.” Ren said. ”You really are something else if you made them give that to you without even asking.

”Really? They didn't tell me that...” Leon said. ”They probably assumed I heard about it.”

”You didn't hear about it?” Lennart frowned.

”No... I didn't tell you, but I spent four years stuck in an island.” Leon said. ”I only left after training my magic for four years.”

”... No wonder you are so powerful.” Lennart said after he recovered from the surprise.

”Anyway, talking about dragons… are you guys investigating why they aren't showing themselves anymore?” Leon asked.

”Yes, we have been investigating that for the past months,” Ren answered. ”But we have no idea why they aren't attacking anymore or where they went.”

”Do you know anything about this, Lennart?” Leon asked.

”I was just a regular soldier, so I don't have the details,” Lennart said. ”However, Alexei was also investigating the subject, but found nothing about them either.”

”I don't like this…” Leon said.

It was good that they weren't attacking, but not knowing why it was equally dangerous. However, now that Allied Forces of North-America, Japan and all the countries of Europe would work together, he was sure that they would soon find an answer.

”Yeah… Anyway, what are your plans now?” Ren asked.

”Well, first, I intend to restore my limbs, and then I will see what I can do to convince Indians and Chinese to work with us,” Leon said. ”But if something happens before I recover them, I guess I will have to fight like this; I don't plan to see our allies dying for no reason.”

”Don���t work too hard…” Ren frowned. ”On our end, I think we can convince the Australians to join us; rather, since they are an independent nation like us, they don't have any reason to refuse since our goal is just to work together to protect the world.”