163 Chapter 162 (1/2)
Although Leon could, he didn't fly for several days straight without stopping to rest. Even though they had camping gear that they could set in the earth platform to make the travel more comfortable, it wasn't enough. The cold wind against them didn't let them sleep while Leon was flying. Besides, they couldn't make a campfire on the earth platform. So, every night they stopped to rest. They could have borrowed one of the Russian choppers, but Leon could fly at almost the same speed. Besides, none of them could pilot, and there was also the matter about the fuel…
Anyway, stopping at night gave Leon more time to practice the healing process while teaching the same to Yuki. Just like he had expected, she had talent in that area. In just a few days, she reached the same level.
”I'm happy with this much progress…” Yuki frowned. ”But having to hurt me to practice is a little unsettling.”
”I understand what you mean,” Leon said.
Leon also had planned to teach a few things to Lennart, but the kid was so eager to see his sister that he couldn't think about anything else. Leon concluded that it would be better if he lets the siblings teach each other. It was a first for Leon, but to repay the favor, Yuki also decided to give him a few pointers of how to heal a bigger area and faster since she eventually surpassed Leon in terms of progress. After five days, they finally were back in Japan, and on that same day, Leon finally learned the basic spell he wanted.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Heal.
Cost: 20 mana
Restores: 20 health
Cooldown time: 1 second.
You obtained 01 status points.
As it turned out, Leon didn't have to heal a small wound in 0.2 seconds. He just had to do it in one second. Anyway, now he was one step closer to restore his limbs and Gisela's eyes. Yuki would also be able to help more people… but Leon couldn't see Yuki increasing her own workload. Although that wasn't a problem since that was something she enjoyed doing.
The next day they arrived in Tokyo, much to their surprise, the whole population greeted them happily. Leon wasn't much knowledgeable in Japanese culture, but he was pretty sure that the citizens only bent their knees to the emperor, so he frowned when they saw all of them doing that. Then again, perhaps some customs changed in the past four years, or maybe they were thankful for Yuki being alive… or, they acknowledged her as the new leader of the country.
”This is making my back feels itchy…” Leon said. ”Shall I let you walk to greet them?”
”There's no need,” Yuki said. ”The advisors probably prepared a ceremony for my father's funeral today; we can't leave them waiting.”
Leon nodded, even though it was weird, he moved toward the imperial palace using the earth platform as fast as possible. The imperial guards didn't even flinch when they approached and entered the palace. Once they arrived, they met Ren and several advisors; it looked like their numbers had increased.