159 Chapter 158 (1/2)

Leon couldn't understand the logic behind Yuki's words, but it was obvious that the katana had a lot of sentimental value… It was her father's, and if he hadn't died, it would belong to her brother. It was proof of Yuki's trust…

Emperor's Katana

It grants you the skills: War Cry Lv 30. Strength +40, Speed +40.

Cost: 200 mana

Cooldown time: 600 seconds.

As expected, it was a pretty useful weapon. Leon didn't know how it fell on Makoto's hands, though. Regardless, War Cry was very useful; it could boost all physical-related status of all allies nearby Leon. He wasn't used to fighting in groups, but that skill would help a lot when the time comes.

Several hours passed, and around 07:30 AM, things started to get noisy outside the building. A crowd was starting to form in front of the building; it was time to end that. Seiji and Alexei already knew that there was no way to escape from their destinies, so they only accepted the inevitable… in the end, Yuki decided to back down; she didn't want to dirty her hands. Still, she made a complicated expression by making Leon do all the dirty work.

”Don't make such a face,” Leon said. ”I will do it with pleasure.”

The crowd was too close, so Leon created a few stones and made it fall. When the crowd moved away a little bit, he let Seiji and Alexei fall. Since Leon managed to survive the fall from ten kilometers of height on the day the monsters appeared, they wouldn't die by the fall. Still, that wasn't his goal. He just dropped them to make the population of Moscow see them for a while. After confirming that the people saw those two, he dropped two steel pillars above them, smashing them to unrecognized pieces of flesh. In the end, Leon could bring himself to behead or to hang them. He could be, but the population didn't need to see such a vicious execution.

After that, Leon and Yuki left the building toward the steel pillars. They landed on one of those pillars, and Leon had planned a speech, but then he finally noticed that no one would understand him. Noticing Leon's troubled face, Lennart approached and then frowned when he saw him without an arm and leg.

”… I will translate your words.” Lennart said.