158 Chapter 157 (1/2)
Leon was pretty sure that Gisela didn't tell her background to anyone. So, the chances of Lennart really be her little brother was high. Anyway, he just had to call Betty and confirm things with her, Gisela and Betty mostly spend their afternoons practicing magic together, after all.
”I met her by chance in New York...” Leon said. ”Perhaps if you help me, I will lead to where she is... Anyway, you know what you need to do.”
After that, Leon ended the call. Before confirming Lennart's identity, he had to deal with Seiji's spies. He was a traitor, but he was a warrior too. So, it took quite a while before he finally gave up and decided to obey Leon's orders. Leon didn't feel pleasure in torturing someone, but he had to do the dirty work. He couldn't let the princess of Japan do such a thing.
After 'persuading' Seiji to cooperate, he made him give the order to all his spies reunite in their hideout in two days. Their shelter was located in the extreme north of Japan, very close to where the Frozen Dire Wolves' dungeon was.
”Do you know a way to contact, Ren?” Leon asked.
”No...” Yuki said with her head down, still unable to get rid of the memories of the past few days.
Makoto probably put some way to contact his spies or Ren in the magic box, fortunately, since it was on Leon's back, it survived the railgun's attack. Inside of it, he found a radio. When Leon turned it on, he heard the voice of a Japanese man. He didn't understand anything, but then Yuki stepped forward and passaged the message.
”Do you know the guy you just talked to?” Leon asked.
”Yes, he is the commander of my father's spies...” Yuki said. ”I also already passed the message that my father died...”
”I guess we just need to wait until morning now...” Leon said and then sat down to concentrate.
”... I wonder how you can meditate at a time like this.” Yuki sighed.
”I'm not meditating, I'm trying to heal my wounds,” Leon explained.
”I can do that for you,” Yuki said.
”Is your skill that convenient?” Leon frowned.