125 Chapter 124 (1/2)
”What? They already reached Las Vegas?” Sarah asked. ”Where's your scythe? Did you get the bow?”
”My sister is using them; Betty is also there to offer support,” Leon answered. ” But a single person can only do so much. Anyway, let's go to the entrance of the building. I have to give some warnings before I leave.”
Sarah nodded, and they headed to the entrance of the building. After showing what Leon did with the three most powerful survivors of that city, a lot of people trembled like leaves when he said he would do the same to anyone who tries to cause problems in the future. He also explained that the survivors and the soldiers would choose the new leader or leaders, but they had to wait for the guys on the island. After that, Leon carried Gisela to his apartment and let her sleep there. It was better to sleep in a place she was used to, after all. In any case, without wasting time, he returned to Las Vegas.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! The skill Sleep Resistance has leveled up.
You obtained 01 status points.
Since Leon had a lot of luggage, he only arrived in the middle of the afternoon of the next day. Even from afar, he could see that things weren't looking good, several places in the city were burning, and Leon finally saw them… the demons. Leon thought that they were called demons due to their crazy behavior, but no. They did look like demons; some of them had humanoid forms, horns, and dark wings. While the others had many shapes and sizes, birds, wolves, black smiles… However, the ones who had humanoid forms were the most dangerous and vicious. They were crazy enough to fly toward a group of survivors while being hit by magic projectiles only to pick a single survivor and slowly split them in half.
”Monstrous bastards… I will make you taste a little of your own poison.”