124 Chapter 123 (1/2)

When Leon left the building, he noticed a few soldiers that were about to enter. He shot the Ice Pillar at the entrance to warn them, if they try to get in his way, they will suffer. Leon couldn't control the platforms where Sarah and Gisela were from a big distance, so he decided to leave them on the top of a random building. While he was doing that, Sanchez and Alisson disappeared in the darkness of the night. However, he knew what they were planning just by looking at the direction they went. They wanted to use a chopper to escape.

Using earth magic and wind magic to increase his speed, Leon flew to the choppers' hangar. He couldn't let them reach those choppers by any means; even himself wouldn't be able to find them once they become invisible. Thanks to the combination of skills, Leon moved much faster than usual. It wasn't a speed he was used to moving, so he faced burned a little due to the friction against the air. However, he managed to reach the hangar in ten seconds and see Sanchez and Alisson destroying the entrance of the hangar.

”Tch... I can't let them go, but I can't destroy the choppers either.”

Leon didn't have much mana left, soon he would recovery one-third of it, but he still couldn't use all his power because those choppers will be used to bring back the soldiers who were left on that island.

Leon grabbed his sword with his right hand and pointed his left hand toward Sanchez and Alisson. He could see them, but he still couldn't use magic because if they dodge the attack, Leon will damage more than a few choppers.

”It can't be helped...”

Leon charged forward and increased his related physical status using Mana Reinforcement and Rage. Despite that, Alisson still managed to slow him down with gravity and telekinesis. Sanchez tried to smash him with the golden shield, but Leon blocked the attack with his sword. He kicked the shield with all his might, but Sanchez barely moved. He wouldn't be able to defeat them so close to Alisson, where her powers were so effective.

Leon deactivated Mana Reinforcement and calmed down his nerves. Thanks to it, his body got pushed down to the ground due to Alisson's skills. Sanchez decided to join the fray, but he stopped when earth started to cover his body. He tried to get rid of it, and even Alisson tried to help, but in the end, they failed because even Alisson's body got covered by earth. As much as Leon wanted to turn the earth into a steal, he couldn't. He used all his remaining mana to chase and to stop them. So, he stayed like that on the floor, barely conscious until he recovered one-third of his mana. Instead of getting up, Leon just sat down and sighed.

”Hah... you guys sure made a mess of things,” Leon said. ”Still... where in the hell you guys found such useful equipment?”

Although Leon wanted an answer, he wouldn't get because he covered their mouths too. Regardless, before covering their bodies with steel, Leon took their items.

Shield of Dawn

It decreases the damage of physical and magic attacks by 50%. Endurance +80, Mentality +80

Ring of Telekinesis

It grants the user the skill Telekinesis Lv 50, Intelligence +100, Mana +300

Cost: 05 mana per second

Ring of Gravity