86 Verdict for Lifetime Tyranny (2/2)
”Well ... I and Shiro got to go through that hell hole because of them.”
”You're right. I can't really argue with that.” With overt understanding, says her who also got to slay a thousand cannibals in the first hour for mere experience purposes.
”I did not use a hundred days of my life just to make you guys dance foolishly... you know? Or that I want to see an eclipse, nor see myself in this surreal form... Of course. It should be understood that I'll be taking something away from you, besides the negotiations that I agreed upon together with your ruthless king” I added... and then, the bombshell...
”Want me to take his life?” I asked the entire congregation...
There was utter silence for half a minute... but it is apparent that they're somehow holding themselves back from saying anything that they want. Some were gritting their teeth to hold out what they want to say. Some were doing the same but has let the fact be congealed by tightening their fists on their side... and then...
”Hoi! Why is everyone silent?” A fit heavyweight man broke the silence, from the array. Fully armored and with large dual axes in his back, he then lit-up a rolled tobacco only with his finger. He then sipped his first smoke gushing forth this wisps of grey smog curled while dancing their way through the thick, hazy air
”No one's gonna talk? Fine... I will.” He said with heads on without a taint of fear from the masses... and I can feel that he is very powerful, from the looks alone... but his intents are pure and I can't sense any corrupt features about him either, especially in this state which my senses for identifying such should be at its peak.
”Feudal Overlord. I am Gallahad Percival, a senior warlock in that King's army... can I step out? It's very fricking tight in here.”
”Yes, you may...” Then, the remaining crowd did not even dare hinder him from going out from the whole congregation towards me.
”So what should the verdict of this man be...” I questioned, addressing the point to the sleeping King still hanged from the chains extending from the sky with an unknown force making it defy the laws of gravity.
”Ahhhh... right.” He shifted his glare to the person and scratched his head while blowing off some steam from the cigarettes...
”This man... He's cruel.”
Yep... I knew it.
”Death should not even be a fitting end for this man. His grandiose life would not be enough to serve as retribution for all of the sufferings that we have had endured under his leadership up until now. And I would highly doubt if God Hades would even accept this disgusting soul... Hoi. You agree with what I'm saying here right?” He said, looking back to his fellow warriors if someone would want to second to his proclamation... But there was none.
” Hmmmmm... Sorry, overlord, they're shy and somewhat scared.”
”Scared? Why?”
”Ahhhh... We are brainwashed to never say a thing... convinced that this king is both omniscient and omnipresent... We were forced to undergo several therapies as they call it 'Camp of Bravery', which is, of course, just plain dubious... He says that it will increase our vigors but it all were designed to make us think that the king could hear us from miles away and that, he can read our minds... That's all. Usual autocrats...”
The usual indeed...
”And you sir, why are the therapies not working? ”
”You know, it's very weird being called sir by someone's who just dethroned my top-brass... Well, anyway, I've grown tired of it... Besides... I got nothing to lose. Unlike them who have families waiting for their return.”
”Hoi! Are you really planning on staying silent? Feudal Overlord here might be generous enough to save you and your families from the grips of the tyrant you know?”.... He once again addressed the masses.
And then, it was not yonder that him stirring out the crowd with a calm demeanor caused this downpour of the request of due judgment for the King even deeming this 'Camp of Bravery' therapies, worthless and nothing but a part of a childish endeavor.
”K-kill him!”
”N-no! We must torture him together with all of the loyal blood just like what they did to our forefathers! and to the humans, he tricked using the Anima!”
One by one, they gained the confidence to speak out what's been in their mind... Truly a strange visage indeed. A people, conjoined together to overthrow their dictator... Now, How would he react to this when he wakes up, I wonder?.... Seeing that the people in his 'sovereign' dominion had come together to give him his adjudication...
”Heehh? What shall we do then, Feudal Overlord?” Celes, in my side sarcastically said, hearing me being called Feudal Overlord and all...
”Haysttt... don't even think about calling me that... Prima Donna of Germany High...”
”Why should I? Feudal Overlord... Hehehe... Great alias by the way.”