86 Verdict for Lifetime Tyranny (1/2)

”The whole value of solitude depends upon oneself; it may be a sanctuary or a prison, a haven of repose or a place of punishment, a heaven or a hell, as we ourselves make it.”

-John Lubbock

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”Eh? You don't want to?” Celes asked finding it somehow unprecedented that I would spell out some hesitations...

”I don't mean it to be that way... but, why? I can't see any apparent merit in it for you...” I replied as if having me around would only cause her trouble, which I think would be far from happening.

”Huh? Fortunately, I do have one...It's a given. Without incentives and beneficial motives, I won't even come up with the idea. ”

”Just as how I expected it... And what might these benefits be?”

”Austere. First and foremost. I'll have a knight in shining armor.”

”Oh hell... More like a dark sacrificial mage in a smokey bleak veil.”

” Well, aside from me getting my perks, you also get yours... Fair is it not?”

”Hmmm... If these perks include me sharing the same room as you at night, then I'll have to agree,” I exclaimed... with rather these brazen words that only rapscallions could utter with confidence.

”I'm very surprised as to how well you can really maintain that dead facade while spouting some pervy things...” The Prima Donna calmly retaliated deeming the threats of perversion impotent, but...

”I'm not a pervert... My mind is just born lewd... That's all.”

”My! Whatever you meant by that... So, I'll take that as a yes?”

”Hmmm... Okay.”

”Looking forward to working with you then...” She said, extending her hand for the third time, and I accepted. Sinclair huh? I don't know why but I find it to fit. It might resemble a name of a saint, but having the 'Sin' on the emblazonment also suits my feudal overlord outward appearance ( or which I would like to call it).

”Is it just me? Or I can't seem to let go of your hand...”

” Shut up,” Celes immediately, pulling her hand, said in a voice that I almost can't hear, with her flawless checks slowly blushing with the colors of Japan's spring Sakura Blossoms.

”I'm just kidding... Now I'm taking the opportunity to say that... half of what I said like an uncultured rascal is false.”

”Only half?”

”Well...maybe a quarter.”

”Hmmm... This is actually the first time that 'I looked someone in the eye and wonder what's going on inside their head'?” She exclaimed very soberly, looking all legitimately curious.

”If you think about it that hard, you'll find yourself assembling a million-piece puzzle with a missing piece,” I replied.

She then continues to brush sleeping Shiro's hair with her bare graceful hand, which was somewhat a refreshing view...

Talking about perks and merits in this allegiance, there are lots for both of us. Although some of them may be a little complicated. While almost all achievement can be shared, there's no doubt that this allegiance to form a party includes the 'Zero-Sum Game'. Although not in every context, her loss will be my gain, and her gain will be my loss. Simple... but it's not that bad to gamble a bit in this situation. Well, it is predestined to be a gamble from the get-go anyway.

”But first... We must get those locked up people.” I persisted in the endeavor to let Shiro rest in a morse authentic bed and to free those who have been lured...

”Well, of course.” She replied unhesitantly.

”Tarragons... lead us to your Kingdom and I will spare your king.” I proclaimed, calling out the three million positioned in front who have been overly silent for quite some time now and heck, they're not even moving a muscle...

But, I don't know if it's because of fear, or that they don't want me to set foot inside there Kingdom... but, they're literally unresponsive to my request... It's also quite weird minutes ago as to how they obeyed my instructions without adieu and without even looking at their captive King. Could it be? That they somewhat want this man's reign to end, but just can't say it? Well, I'm sorry to tell them that I have had read my few shares of psychological books that would make them blurt out their intent.

”What's this, you want me to kill your King in front of you?” I exclaimed as they continued in their silence. They're in fact listening... but as if somewhat they want their King to be killed, they're not saying a word...

”King Jaiden is a tyrant as I can see..” Celes whispered in a manner that I could barely hear...