84 Checkmate! Dethroning an Autocrat 2 (1/2)
”The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
-Sun Tzu
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”What? His Paradigm did not get canceled? How?” A question like that was written all over there face, as they saw me and Shiro not even garnering the slightest of wounds and the smallest of signs that our ongoing Paradigm Shifts had been canceled or had grown weaker... Well, first of all. My paradigm has already been canceled earlier. This is my paradigm Shift of which Azazel likes to implicitly define as 'Uncancelable'.
”Even Dainsleif's worked... And yet, the mages' coming from the Kingdom's top academy did not? Is that even possible?” The King with sweat running down his face exclaimed...
”Oh, Dainsleif? You mean the priest that you just fired? It might be a little bit unnerving... but his Cancelling Paradigm Shift is exponentially stronger than all of your top tier mages combined... and that's a fact... And now, what are you gonna do with all of these mages I wonder... Fire them? Force Exile from your little Kingdom?”
”Tsk! I also heard that you have the power to control the shadows.” He added...
Again with the false reports of my Paradigm's mediocrity again huh...
”Mages, Scatter all around! You are strong! Use every bit of your power to illuminate the night! And let your excellence shine forth! Now, deem this man powerless by eradicating every shadow!!!!!!!!!! Brave warriors! Attack him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to get the Kurenai!” he instructed desperately, inspiring them with his rosy empty words...
And then, the same mages soaring high up on the air, raised their scepters high up emitting this great light just as the King has requested it to be... eradicating every shadow... but little did he know, that it's not just the shadows that I can control, and it certainly is not just their negative emotions and ill intents, and neither the 'Crossange Arsenal' Celtic crosses that I have with me with this ready-to-serve buffet of darkness' inside them...
Well, if it was my paradigm, I think this stratagem could have worked... but they're dealing with a Paradigm Shift here... what the deities emblazon to our ability to alter a natural law of the universe by paying the equivalent price. And in my case, I think that the altered law is not that complicated. Light, as of now would be unable to drive out darkness. Simple.
”You sure?” I asked the King charging towards me with his three million men altogether...
”What do you mean I'm sure? It's time to say checkmate!”
”Well of course....”
”Checkmate!” I pronounced, delineating their early defeat.
Then, amid the mages' potent illumination of the surroundings, even making the night seem more like heyday... The dark part of the eclipsed blood moon scattered all through the sky, now, making it seem like we're back, not on just any night time, but on the void, where not even a single point of light could be seen. It engulfed all of us in this dark dome of the starless and lightless abyss of darkness.
Next. Utilizing the bloody moon eclipse's scattered darkness, came these chains from the sky, clanking like metals as all of it started holding out every single man in their heads, in their hands, feet, and wrists... Making them seem like mere puppets with me as the show master...
”What, what is this?”
”TAKE THIS OFF ME!!” everyone then began to complain as they were unable to hold out the chains from holding out to them... It's like the chains can touch them, but they, however, can't touch it.
They defenselessly were now incarcerated, as their life's fervent outcome now also entirely depends on me...
”Dance my new puppets..”
Using the chains that I was able to amass for the three million, I disarmed them from their individual weapons and made them dance in sync with the music that I am currently listening to, while of course, making them look stupid and goofy in their armors, especially in their perspectives.
”Y-you what did you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!?” The King, now also being chained, asked gritting his teeth as he dances together with his men, but even goofier than the rest... It is probably the stupidest dance that I could think of.