83 Checkmate! Dethroning an Autocrat 1 (1/2)

”When one with honeyed words but evil mind, persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.”

-Euripides, Orestes

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”Hmmm...Manure? Me? HAHAHAHAAHAHAAH!!!!! Feudal Overlord is very funny.” The King retaliated clapping his hands and urging those vast arrays of armies behind him to do the same, and it was not long that the applause and the scorning laughs of derision of the weaponized mobs echoed through the plains, all addressed to me and the Angel standing besides, who they're vehemently after.

”Azazel,” I called out to the AI Maiden for something superfluous but of integrity.

”What is it, Master.” She answered.

”You have some music with you, right? Anything from the noble classics?”

”Yes, Master... Would you like me to play 'Hentai with Senpai' for you?”

”No, that's not classic... Just play Fur Elise for me.”

”Affirmative. Scanning mp3 file... 'Relevant' mp3 file found... Playing 'Fur Elise Klutch Dubstep Remix'...”

”Wait, remix?”

”Yes, Master... I'm quite certain that you would like it...”

Ignoring the fact that an AI defied my request to introduce me to something new and something that I have had isolated myself from, I started to wait for the music to start...

And then just like that, Beethoven's Fur Elise 'literally' played in my mind as if having a magic headphone or something... and it's very high quality at that. But then, in the middle of nowhere, the classical music was metamorphosed to this 'mechanized' suite of modern notes... Hmmm... But, not that bad as I imagined it to be. It suits the atmosphere very well...

”Oni-chama, who were you talking to?” Shiro, taking over her consciousness asked...

”Oh, I'll introduce her later to you Shiro, ok?”

”Her? Oni-chama, do you have an Angel inside you too?!”

”Sort of... Well, you could also say that.”

”Yaaayyy!! Now we're the same, oni-chama!”

”Ahahahahaa...” I sarcastically laugh, but now that I remember, it's not a 'pure unblemished angel' that I have with me. I can't let Azazel's algorithm and her brazen 'modes of operations' taint this girl's must-maintained innocence. Letting them acquaint for a long period of time would be detrimental.