78 Feudal Lords Life in a Russian Roulette (1/2)

”Have you ever seen... the dark side of the moon?”

-Momobami Kirari

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”Hays... Okay, shall we get out now? All I need to do is say my Paradigm Shift right?” I asked the Kawai AI Maiden to further confirm the things that I have heard, except of course... for that brazen 'Modes of Operations' which was made ominously clear even before its supposed extrapolation.

”Yes... Pandora.exe is running and your Paradigm's skills had been organized... All are functional, Master. The moment you state your Paradigm Shift, I will take responsibility for the organization of skills and of some variety of binary information. And while I am not in display, Master, I assure you that I'm performing in the background and that, you can ask me any query.” She answered with all of these intricate digital tabs appearing right in front of her in stacking order, which made her algorithms seem to really know what it's doing.

”Thanks... I'm counting in your cameo then.”

”Affirmative, Master. There's nothing that this maid can't do if it is in accord with this realm's system ordinance... You can confide the heavy tasks in me, Master. I will execute all of them without unintegral detains and data obstructions.”

Hell... This maid really is cute. If she was to be created back on Earth, I think its high time for the ladies to say their prayers... Now, back to the crux of the issue.

A hundred-day minus to my lifespan eh. That's quite the consequence, but one that I am hell-bent to bare. Besides, if I wait here and consider life to be that precious that I can't even sacrifice even the most inconsequent of days, I would fall prey to what socials call as the ”Illusion of Control” and of the ”It-will-get-worse-before-it-gets-better-fallacy”. and that would only be the most irrational act that I can fall into in my current situation. Basic mishaps that I surely can't afford to be martyred upon.

And, while no one might have asked for me to do this recap, and it might be that I may be the only one interested in such entrepreneurial terms, I sure feel the need to do the brief review... It's an Art of Thinking Clearly.

1) The illusion of control. A man-made matrix that got mainstream eons ago that would make us overestimate our hindsight skills and capabilities. Sad to say, humans, control less than they think and quite possibly, the illusion is also eligible in this realm. That is without a doubt.

2) It-will-get-worse-before-it-gets-better-fallacy. One of the most abominable fiasco that men have adapted in their unscrupulous thoughts. One that makes even the keen, the strong and the great, stumble on their reigns. There's no such thing as that 'at the end of the stormy clouds is a silver lining'... It's plausible for it to happen, but that's the course of pure probability, but overall, it's just wishful thinking not worthy of such perpetual attention.

Using this Paradigm Shift... It is the most rational thing to do, or else...

Besides, this warfare is where my life is always laid at a constant gamble... It's a reward and probably the laid collateral of a mere Russian roulette. If I lose, I lose... If I win, I win... It's that simple...The most mundane kind of gamble there is, but in my case, with life as the casino tokens.

”Paradigm Shift! Dark By Default...” I pronounced with the most monotone and ennui expression there is as if I'm expecting something that I'm already quite fond of... which clearly is not the case.

My clock-like insignia, which is the symbol of my contract with the deity of disambiguation located in my right hand then begins to glow and burst this dark-like flames all in the same bleak manner...

And then comes the complex array of the AI's voice and this interface overlaid over my vision:

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Autonomous Intelligent Maiden, Azazel

Ethereal Paradigm

System Bypass
