41 Low Profile (2/2)

”Ok then, 'Aunt' is probably too much for someone who has lived for 900+ years. So that should make you a grandma.”

”Hmmph!” The goddess stomped her feet and showed this annoyed look of a tsundere

The Pegasus, however, is pretty smart. It understood what I was meaning to say and bought Shiro down in an instant.

”Okay then, let's not forget that fried chicken now shall we?”

”Oni-chama, will I be able to see pegasus-san again?”


”Yaay! Sayonara, pegasus-san... Sayonara, Lacrimosa onee-chan” (English: Goodbye, Mr. Pegasus. Goodbye big sister Lacrimosa!)

”See? The kid is even more sensitive than you are!”

”Hayst. Right-right... Could you now open a portal for us? Oh and let it lead closer to my classroom”

”As if I know where you're classroom actually is. but here you go...”

Then a portal reopened itself, but this time it will lead outside... For the last time, Shiro bid her farewell to the pegasus and to the disturbed goddess and together, we jumped on.

The next thing I noticed is that we are transported to a hallway that seemed identical from that school I am attending. I looked at the class identification and it was 12-B9.

So we are one floor above huh? But, it's not that bad.

But, something else was making my mind stutter at some point...

Lacrimosa will start from zero eh?

As I had remembered it, Deus in our first conversation said something like this...” Lacrimosa, in her ability to draw power from sadness, became equal to that of the heavenly magistrates and was forced to join the ranks of the deities so that everyone can keep an eye on her.” Now, I think I know why everyone must start from zero. Having someone like her around would also break fairness, which is a priority, and not to mention that overpowered fallen viscount. Still, I think it is still pretty unbalanced. As long as there are sadness and despair, Lacrimosa's power would increase even without her acknowledgment. Well, it should be an advantage for me though, so there's no complaining.

Shiro and I continued to walk. The hallway's lights seemed to not work. Good thing that the moon's radiance is still in its heyday...Shiro kept holding into me, but now with a more courageous visage. She really is quick to environmental adjustments.

We then took the stairs leading to the eighth floor and found myself facing the same door of the classroom... where I falsely believed would be the start to another boring high school year. We walked one step closer towards the destination and to my surprise, it was lit, and it seemed like someone is inside. Maybe it's Celes? I can't think of anyone who has the guts to trend their feet again in the school grounds on a time such as this. It must be her.

Well, I wasted enough time on that hierarchy chit-chat with Lacrimosa, so I should hurry up...Not to mention, Shiro is also hungry.

Without adieu, I opened the doors and glided it to the side without thinking twice, in an endeavor to get my belongings back, with a little girl in the company.

Yet, the moment I opened it, what I saw is not entirely what I expected...there are way more... It's the whole class in an unprecedented reunion, and Celes is there too.

The others looked at me like I'm an unwelcomed guest, while Shiro hid in my back, probably being shy. Maybe I disturbed them in the middle of a very important discussion.

It looked like a major conflict just occurred, and the atmosphere says so too.

Everybody else is on the other side, and in front of them os Celes, taking a stand by herself. It was like a scene of ”One against the world” from my point of view...What's happening here?

Well, whatever the quo is, the 'Low Key Profile' that I have to sustain...is certainly not to be forgotten. although it's crumbling at a very fast rate.