42 The Midas Touch (1/2)
”Midas they say possessed the art of old of turning whatsoever he touches to gold. This modern statement can reverse with ease. Touch them with gold, they'll turn to what you please.”
-John Wolcott
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Room 12-A8. This classroom never ceases to amaze me at some point. Every time I open its door expecting nothing inside, something is in fact, inside. Something that is least expected...and this is by far, the worst.
I opened the door, and from there I saw the entire class, which seems to have found one common enemy, Celes, who is still looking confident as ever. The atmosphere is very stagnant and you can sense the feeling of hatred from it, yet as to why that is, I have no idea and I certainly have no intention of knowing.
I continued to walk with Shiro in my hand as if I saw nothing. I am not planning to take any part in this. Celes would also likely understand my actions. I should just grab my stuff and get out of here. I had enough surprises for the day. Shiro, who is following me also behaved, seeing how serious the situation looks like. But, even if I chose to ignore this, not everyone from this crowd has the same intention towards me...
”Who is that kid with him, her sister?”
”Are you dumb? That little girl is clearly Japanese!” two guys started discussing.
”It looked like Ms. Celes Reignsworth knew him, so is he also choosing the 'Chaos Armada?', murmured a classmate.
”Duh. Isn't it obvious?”, answered the other. It was pretty useless why they're whispering... I can still clearly hear it.
Upon apprehension, I now have an overview of the situation. This bunch, have decided to join the Mirage Armada (which is quite obvious, not to mention that I already foreshadowed that things would turn out like this) and maybe they found out that Celes is planning to join on the opposing team... While I have to maintain a low key profile, I also want to take no part in such discord. If they want to act as heroes who would save humanity from perishing, then they can. If Celes wants to act like a villain, she definitely can. And I, too, deserve the freedom to do what I want to do.
I continued walking towards my desk to get whatever that I left there, without looking at anyone else. I looked straight towards the path that I wished to take while the atmosphere continued its intensity. And there, at my desk's small compartment, I retrieved my wallet and the mp3 player I always have with me, filled with classical music ranging from the composition of Mozart and Beethoven to Alma Deutscher-the last modern classics prodigy. Well, electricity might be not subsistent outside, but I can just find a way to recharge the batteries later.
I quickly placed the things on my bag, as I am also planning to hurriedly get out of this quagmire. Yet, unfortunately...
”Hey! Say something!”, a four-eyed classmate said, wondering how I can ignore their presence. Well, I am not compelled to reply to that say-something-dogma. I should just hurry up.
”Ignoring us huh? You asked for this you fricken narcissist!”, he charged at me with all his might with a little punch right off the bat. I am ready to defend myself as it should not have been a problem. A simple evasion should have had done the trick. Yet, someone stopped him.
”Stop this, Glen. ” a classmate intervened. If I remembered correctly, he introduced himself as 'Zen Wolfenschtien' back at the introductions. He had no trouble stopping that charging tackle as he was taller, probably the tallest one in this class and had a stark body build. Well, I can't find myself being the Damsel here, and I probably don't need a prince charming.
”Hey, you! Jaiden, right?” the guy exclaimed.
Hearing that, I made Shiro took cover on my back as if I was protecting my own flesh and blood. I will not answer him anything. Acting mute should not be a bad idea either. He can keep on talking, I'm just here to get what I want.