29 Genesis (2/2)
”Take care of the girl. It's possible she could serve as our daughter in the future.”
”Nope. We will make our own.”
Having said that, the Prima Donna left while wearing this pure smile. Come to think of it, I still have questions for her. How did she become Deus' Herrscher? Where is this ugly giant Atlas leading us to? Well, somehow anyway, it's gonna be unveiled soon enough.
Wait... what the hell was I saying back there? Make our own? It's embarrassing... It was as if we were legit there. While I continued to shake off the cringy thought, what I soon noticed was this cute fingers holding in my uniform. The little girl is awake.
”Hello there! Here are one fried chicken, french fries and ice cream as a dessert! Eat lots ok?”
”Thank you oni-Chama” Without, further adieu, the girl dove right into the foods presented in front. How should I describe this scene? Refreshing? It was somehow calming, seeing this girl eat just hours later after witnessing the death of her parents. while in my case, I was hospitalized for almost a week.
”So, what's your name?” I asked.
”My name?”
”Yes. What is it?”
”It is Shiro!”
”Shiro huh? What a beautiful name...”
As we were still knowing each other in the fast-food chain. A giant rift suddenly re-opened on the dark environment, suggesting that this Atlas had now arrived in its destination.
Shiro's eyes began to tear. It was as if, she was expecting another monster to appear in that giant hole.
”Don't worry, I'm here”, I reassured her while gently patting her head as a sense of comfort.
Then it was not long that the entire island was left out from that dark place... It was becoming more evident that to where we arrived was very unearthly. The giant's gargoyle hands then placed us on a sea and got back on the rift where he belonged. But this time, the gargoyle's face was not scary. It was not flowing with blood or horrors. It was, just how Atlas was described in ancient literature as the one tasked to keep the balance of the world from the bottom, although a little smaller.
Somehow, I know that this world where he placed us is something different. It's atmosphere smelled far from usual.
”Shiro. Want to see something cool?” I asked the little girl as though I was quite curious as to where we are now. I want to see for myself if my hunch is correct. That this is not the same earth where we once lived our abnormal lives.
”Hai! oni-Chama!” she answered. Oni-chama huh... Cute.
”Well then, shall we go?”
I then grabbed her and again took my pen. I imagined the ink, so it could soar high above the sky.
We drifted through the air and saw several things afar that could have only existed in fairy tales. Shiro was quite enjoying it. She was scared at first, but she adapted to it very quickly. She even called me Aladdin oni-Chama for having a flying mat. Little did she know that it was mere ink controlled by my imagination.
If Shiro enjoyed it, I somehow had my doubts about this world that we have been transported into. While my vision is a little distorted due to the distance, I can still infer what lies ahead. The city is still at sea where Atlas decided to place us and instead of seeing the tall skyscrapers of Tokyo on the neighboring island, I can see this towering medieval-themed castles and empires of sorts. You could see what mythology called ”Dragons” soaring higher up in the sky. It was thinner, bigger and featured a massive set of wings with each one unique from the others. Well then... The hypothesis that Deus contrived seemed to be true, backed up by what I am seeing now as shreds of evidence.
I then landed on the same main building's rooftop, and to my surprise, Lacrimosa is still there, taking her time watching the scenery.
”Where have you been all this time?”
”Just somewhere actually...”
”I wonder what somewhere could that place be. is it perhaps a kidnapping den?” Lacrimosa, seeing Shiro, said.
”What? Do places like that exist in this advanced city anyway? I got this girl from her house. Her name is Shiro.”
I then introduced her to Lacrimosa. Although she was a bit reluctant and shy.
”Shiro, that is aunt Lacrimosa”
”Aunt? Excuse me, aunt?”
”Oh sorry. You're 997 years old right?”
”Well yeah, but does this face spell 'aunt' for you? Hayst, forget about that. By the way... Jaiden, this world...”
”What about it?”
”It's NÆthervale. The third realm.”
”Third realm?”
”Yes. There are four realms. The first one belongs to the deities which govern the natural laws. Second is to humans and third belonged to...well a hybrid of creatures actually...”
”I kinda see that.”
”Well, welcome to Naethervale! ”, the goddess said, although it was with a bit half-assed expression.
”Anyways, I'm recharging back to my realm a little bit. You two go explore! I was somehow expecting that that retarded and fallen deity would transfer us to Tartarus but goodness that was not the case. At any rate, a deity named Hermes will soon explain to you the new mechanics of the game. Just give me the info later. For now, adieu...”
”Right” I replied.
I was rather refreshed, seeing that Lacrimosa returned to her former self. Well, here I am. In a vast new world, I know nothing off, with a little girl in my care and with a sense of quirk in my hands. Surely I can't chicken out now.
I know it's a little late to ask this, but what would the game masters do about these normal humans that got mixed up too well without their knowledge? I know how confused they might be. Yet, I also am quite acquainted with man's insatiable foolishness. They will soon attain answers to their questions.
As of now, the most important action is to be cautious while observing the current environment.
NÆthervale huh. I wonder what lives await for us here? Although I'm sure it will be nothing of many colors, but a monochromatic canvas of either scarlet blood and bluish grue.
No... I did not mean that in a dramatic sense... Well, maybe just a little.