29 Genesis (1/2)

”And suddenly, you just know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings, even if you don't know what lies ahead.”


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As I arrived at the fast-food chain, to my surprise, Celes is by the door, looking tired from helping many.

”Celes, you hungry? Join us” I asked casually. She nodded in agreement and opened the door for me and the little girl.

There is no one in the fast-food chain. No security guard and no worker. they probably must have scrammed. So I guess, it's all-you-can-eat buffet tonight. But, that goes on without saying... I'll still leave the money in the cashier. 'Payment is virtue'... my conservative grandmother says.

I then placed the little girl in a comfortable seat with what she ordered placed on the table and a little stone-cold ice cream. As for myself, I had a hamburger.

”Where did you get that child you lolicon?” Celes engaged, although it was a little too informal, which is rather new to me.

”Lolicon? You called me an otaku before and now it has evolved?”

”Relax. I'm just kidding. So?”

”I somehow found this girl alone. Her parents were in front-...”

”So you kidnapped her?”


”Oh... How unfortunate. So you're planning to keep her under your supervision?”

”Yes. Until I find a safer place for her. By the way, where's Deus?”

”In an emergency meeting with several others, discussing countermeasures.”

”Way to call it countermeasures...”

”Childish isn't it? And... where might Lacrimosa be?”

”Wandering, maybe”

Come to think of it, I forgot to check on her. But, I guess she's fine. There's nothing that that goddess can't handle, I probably should just let her be for the moment.

”I see.”

And hence, the perfect time to bombard her with questions appeared right before me...

”Hey Celes, I have something to ask you ”

”I am tasked not to disclose any info to a non-ally, but as a returning favor for helping a girl, I'll answer it, go ahead.”

”Appreciated... Who was that man?”

”If you're referring to that man who summoned Atlas... He is 'End'.”


”Yes. And religious groups know him by a different name. The devil, Satan, Lucifer, Fallen Angel, They are the same entity.”

”What? Someone as powerful as that... is in this game?”

”Unfortunately, yes. It can even make you question the balance and fairness. But, there's no helping it, he was granted permission to take part.”

That explains why he was overwhelmingly overpowered. Summoning something like that, even before the game started. Not to mention the pressure I felt from his presence alone.

”I've been meaning to ask you this...What side are you on? You know... on the salvation or the damnation division.” I asked.

”Oh. Of course, I'll be in favor of damnation. There's no use trying to hold on to a hope that is no more”

”Huh? Then why would you act like that End-guy is an enemy?”

”Wait... Are you actually thinking that the evils in the world always wanted their playground to end?”

”It's sacrosanct, so of course...”

”I can't blame you for that, but I also thought the same, but let me tell you this now. That concept of 'I'm-evil-I-will-lead-this-world-to-its-bitter-end' is nothing more but a stupid film-maker's idea, void of truth and reality.” the rather philosophical Celes exclaimed.

I sort of caught up as to what she meant by that. Of course. Now that I think of it, what kind of evil would want the world to end when it's their only source of entertainment. They'll want it to continue existing in sin. For instance, imagine if the world became devoid of humans? Who would the demons tease? Who would Satan tempt? They'll be left with nothing but stones.

”So basically what you're saying is it's the opposite, right?”

”Check! To put it simply, those corrupt deities would want it to continue existing. And those deities who wish for the rule of the sins to end purely wishes for humanity to sever from the face of the earth. That's how simple it is.” Celes further explained.

”Yeah. I get it.” What surprises me though is the thought that corrupt deities really do exist. Moreover, a thought deemed the shock rather redundant...

If that's the case? What would become of this girl's future? I looked at her sleeping peacefully. No matter who wins on the end, it's still nothing but the void that awaits the world, Till then, to hope is a very trivial thing. But, despair is also juvenile. For now, observation is still the best answer.


Minutes have passed, there was so little to talk about, and Celes was just dozing off. I bet she's really tired from all of that helping, so I should let this be.

”If you have nothing more to ask, I'll be leaving. Thank you for the food Jaiden. Let's meet again.” Celes, minutes-later from a state of trance said.
