26 Viscounts Presence (1/2)
”In this world, wherever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.”
-Overpowered Villain
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Having received quirk from the goddess. Having received answers for the most essential questions. Having myself acquainted with what was happening, I was ready to face reality. Yet, just when I was about to opt-out towards the portal, I just noticed how crazy vast and empty this realm is. You could only see three or four significant features.
First is the unfathomable numbers of gargantuan crimson crystal chandeliers hanging approximately a hundred meters up. What made it more unusual is how you can't tell if it is hanging on to something to defy the natural laws of gravity. Second is the floor tiles in a chess pattern that goes on to no end in all directions. The third is her majestic-looking throne while the finale is a large ambient and framed painting of Eve eating the apple with the basilisk's presence. Very minimalistic isn't it? I just find it hard to believe that the ”Goddess of Disambiguation” spelled a different vibe in what she called her realm. I envisioned a more putrid preference.
Well, maybe it's high time that I get used to these ludicrous peculiarities.
As I got closer to the magical portal leading outside, I then let out of my pen to prepare for countermeasures if, by any means, Celes is already waiting for our return there, equipped for battle. Sounds rather laughable right? That I'm about to defend myself with an ink against a holy weapon. Yet, 'A pen is sharper than any two-edged sword', so they say.
Still, I really can't find myself feeling fear, that I am involved in some conspiracy whilst mixed up with deities in some sort of a gamble where my life is laid as the collateral. I'm not feeling optimistic even. Anyway, let me show that Goddess that I tricked her into thinking that the power I chose is somewhat too dull. You see, life is not about playing only the good cards in hands, but as well as the bad ones as well.
I then entered right into the portal without any form of wavers. I mean, what choice do I have.
The next thing I noticed after a blink of an eye, is that I'm back in the same rooftop. Thereby in the fence, Celes was, still with the perilous sword staring from afar, still with the phantom deity at her side. Well, for a change it was pretty calm. I expected that once I got back I'll be engaging myself to one versus one battle...Yet, something else caught my attention.
”Huh? Why is the place ambient with sunset? Isn't it too early? or maybe, it's because of that time disorientation power Lacrimosa seemed to install in her realm. She said that a second there is already three minutes and a half here. We just advanced through time like a game hack maybe?” I assumed.
”No. That's not it.”
”Huh?” Oh, it's Lacrimosa.
”What do you mean that's not it? Don't tell me you lied that the flow of time in that room is different from this real-world via a visible scale”
”That is without a doubt, true.”
”Then that explains it right?”
”No. To make the time disorientation work, a condition is needed. That no one sees us as we enter the portal. ”
”So what you're saying is that it should have not worked?”
”Basically yes.”
”Then what's the point of proudly saying that cool feature to me? And if that's the case, why are we seeing the dawn?” I was troubled as to why the sunset showed up a little earlier. Maybe Lacrimosa was just wrong on assuming that it did not work?
I then rolled up a little of my sleeve to see my watch just below my wrist band. It's still at two o'clock. ”Wait, something is just not right here.” I thought.
”Correct. Are you sure though that what your seeing is a sunset ?” Lacrimosa as though she read my mind, suggested.
”Huh? What do you mean?”
”Look closely. Isn't it weird for you to have four sunsets?”
”See for yourself and asses the situation as you always do.”
Wait. Now that she mentioned it. There are four. One in front of us. One in the west, one on the other side and one in the south. It's implausible, right? But, the moment I tried my hardest to see what those truly are, I just noticed that they were not multiple suns in its daybreak. They're four massive magical circles, to say the least. And in each of the circles, there is a humanoid shadow that caused this rather penumbral twilight making it more apparent that it is something not ubiquitous on the history of phenomenons that recently occurred on earth.
”So, they already made their move huh?”
”Who's they?”
”A bunch of optimistic retards actually... Impatient retards.”
”Way to call your allies there, or is it that you also see yourself as an optimistic retard?” Deus suddenly spoke.