25 Dark by Default 2 (1/2)

”Darkness is the only place where peace and chaos meet.”

-Akshay Vasu

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”So basically, you were just a spirit, who became a deity after drawing power from some world crisis. promoted to the title of 'Goddess' and was then forced to play in this game, except you're too lazy to participate? And came with the excuse that the rules do not prohibit you?”

”Yes. Moreover!”


”The Magistrates do not tolerate that I still have not chosen a Herrscher. So here you are...”


”Well, as you go along with the flow of this game, you are ought to find the answers that still boggle you. I'm not obligating you though to become a spectator forever. That would be not good. If you die, without even choosing your faction, your existence would be erased like a little puff of smoke. ”


”The warfare is predestined to only have two opposing teams. And to have us in the middle, makes us the third, except there's no mutual goal here. Simply put, we are considered an enemy of the two main factions, a major threat to their plans of the future may it be dark or luminous.”

I'm surprised how deep this trouble really is. Well, that kind of explains why Celes and that proclaimed-phantom thought of us as an enemy.

”That's why I encourage you to choose sides wisely. Whatever you choose, I'll be satisfied. But before that, a Herrscher can't show in the battlefield looking like a complete spineless and weaponless bastard can't he?”, The goddess added.

”So you're suggesting? You're giving me a powerful sword like the Herrscher outside?”

”HAHAHAHAHA! That's what she chose for herself. In our case, I'll let you decide by which power you want to have. Consider it granted. But first, there are certain rules in choosing one. Must not be too weak or overpowered.”

”Nah, as suspected”

”But, you can also trick me of course. There are no such rules that say you can't.”


”To put it more simple, you can convince me that the power you choose is somewhat neutral, when in fact it's overpowered”

”It's not like I did not understand what you implicitly tried to conveyed, but I am just surprised as to how a cheat a goddess could become..”

”My my! It's my deepest pleasure to play this game a bit easy. I don't always like going against strategy. I prefer you to go to a rampage and bring an easy win!”

”That's passivity in its best.”

”Now, to the main course. What power will you choose?”

Well, I'm not the same with this easy-life goddess. I tend to immerse myself in some challenges. So now, I must focus, focus.

I drowned myself in a deep concentration and then realized that there was only one power I could have. To control anything black. I want to control this darkness in me. I want to suppress it to someplace else. That's neutral, right?

”I want to have control over things that are dark... BY DEFAULT”

”Oh, now that's a neutral one! The hell are you planning? To make your pen's ink as your power? You're no fun.”