13 Norms, Deviance, Consequence (1/2)
” Life is a continuous paradox. Society forces us unto conformity, yet progress can only be made through deviance.”
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”I hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and may the odds be forever in your favor”, the principal's lengthy speech ended with an expected cliche which fortunately is a carbon copy from the Hunger Games, and also... is a little worse from the' life-changing' quote I expected to hear. The enthusiastic students then clapped as hard as they could, while approximately 90% of the crowd stands firm on their grudge held against opening ceremonies. And I, am a proud member of that population.
”Thank you for that Headmaster Radars. Now to hear the words of challenge from the student body... ”
Well, here comes...the most-awaited representative.
”Let us all welcome Celes Stella Reignsworth. A round of applause please.”
The moment the name was gushed forth from the mouth of the announcer, student-support started to tremble the venue, but the noise actually stands corrected as utter silence supervened, silence from a crowd that you probably have never known before as if everyone had their mouths sealed for good.
The moment the stage curtains were opened, there appeared a student opposite of what anybody could have had expected. Except me.
The girl I met earlier flourishing on her best colorful petals on-stage began talking on a graceful manner that had the audience cast under a potent spell, as if everyone who beheld her facade began to be pulled off by a gossamer thread. And that excludes me of course as I was currently in an acquaintance with a peculiar goddess and seeing her imperial emergence from time to time, made me a little tolerant of beauty, incorporating very high standards.
”A decent day. I, as madam said prior, am Celes Stella Reignsworth...”
As she began speaking, several students of which few were from my class began spouting words of admiration for the girl.
”It's the Prima Donna of Germany high!”
Using that line that was not too eloquent for me, students began to whisper to the other, which later became a ruckus as she was still delivering her speech upfront.
”She had her GPA at all subjects above others' and she top-notched several international exams even as a kid.”
”Wow...what significant finesse and beauty it is!”
”I heard her parents owned a business company abroad with over thousands of extensions.”