12 Grudge on Opening Ceremonies (1/2)
”Fact: Not all Goodbyes are sad. Proof: Goodbye Class.”
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As we arrived at the venue, we began forming lines by class as instructed by the university staff. It was such a rare sight to see youngsters from different origin gather in one space, of which most were made up of southeast Asians and Westerners. Everyone was quit well-disciplined as I can see. They were in complete uniform, with shirts tucked under our black khaki pants and their neckties were perfectly fastened in place and their shoes? Well, have you seen a first-class luxury car yet? They are as shiny as that.
Oh hell no... this crowd. It's making me nauseous. Still, I think it would be very unauthentic if I am to throw up in here. I mean, just look at this lavish place. It looks like a five-star luxury suite or something... I'm even reluctant on stepping the soles of my shoes in the glossy and unblemished floor tiles.
Yet, I just can't stop piling several negative criticisms against opening ceremonies. I mean, who wouldn't? From the start of everyone's scholastic career to their latest, I think everyone would hate that, at least not the principal, nor the student body representative who are the ones who will take the longest time spouting which is said to be ”words of gratitude” or ”warm words of welcome” which is in fact, nothing but political nonsense with an ”inspiring” quote at every end, of which they thought can be life-changing...and yet again, no it is not.
And the question that boggles me the most is the existence of such ceremonies itself. What's so great and special about starting another year in sleepless nights and lifestyle deprivation anyway? Its actually, better for us to put on sackcloth and weep rather than clapping our hands-on lengthy speeches while faking a cheerful smile right from the start of another academic turmoil. Yet, judging by the current structure of society, the top brass is always correct no matter how vague their decision is. The same goes for educational institutions.
Not yonder, school staff, and preceptors began to reveal themselves on the back of the students' disciplined lines of classes, and personas in black elegant suite began to show up on stage, interrupting the students from their first-day friend-making session. As the staff is about to commence the event, apparent silence then began to befall on the whole gymnasium and a lady began speaking on the microphone...
”As interesting as it gets, I know the hype you are experiencing at the moment, as we feel the same, but that can wait, and to officially open the first school year in the world's first international city, please welcome the AU principal, headmaster Aldixiel Radars”. A man in his 30s with silver hair and glasses then stood from the committee sitting comfortably on stage, that was the institution's principal, Aldixiel Radars. His first emergence was met with an astounding ovation from the pool of students. Damn. It never occurred to me once that a principal could probably be this fine and young, he was also rather personable! Well, nobody can't blame me, for thinking that way! Since almost all headmasters in fiction and non-fiction are always portrayed to be a stout old man or an old lady who is both in their 60's. Yet, having a principal as noble-like gives not only me a different kind of vibe, but to my fellow schoolmates as well, especially on the freshmen.
And here it starts, the seemingly unending speech of inspirational cliches. ”Ehh, Good morning everyone. I would like first, to congratulate you all, for your admission being accepted in the world's finest and newest intercontinental university....” and so the speech continued henceforth that fortunately made us all sleepy at some point, but some, of course, would do their best to stay awake and eventually finds something better to do or to listen at the least. And this girl, lined beside me has this vigorous aura to do just that.
”Hey, never mind that boring speech. Do you know who will be representing the students?” Asked a girl left to me as if she already is a mutual acquaintance.
”No... I'm sorry, I have no idea here.”
”Hey, hey. I think I know who it might be. While eavesdropping is a crime, it would not hurt to hear it accidentally you know?” whispered a thin and rather tall fine lad right after me. I never thought that he could button in conversations just like that, as his face showed that he was a silent type. yet, there was no judging, by outward appearance.