Part 24 (1/2)

”I gave Bob and Frank a talking-to,” he co into trouble the ot into trouble when your back wasn't turned, too, out there in California last year And we got you out of it, as a e to cohed

”Jack said so of the sort tohis head into trouble, as I called it, that he ed to rescue me when I was a prisoner in Mexico and to prevent international co,” said Mr Tear

Both men smoked in silence

Sunday came and ithout further developments But on the next day, Monday, the fifth day after the ht at the Brownell place, Captain Folsom called the boys by radio Tom Barnum, on duty at the plant, summoned Jack The latter presently appeared at the Teh excite his chu; ”ould you say to a sea voyage, with a chance for a little excitement?”

Frank dropped his book and rolled out of the ha lazily

”What do youto his feet

”Yes,” said Bob, as co loicker chair; ”what's it all about?”

He heaved a cushi+on at Jack, which the latter caught and returned so quickly that it caught Bob aht hi, although well on the road to recovery, was not yet in a condition to withstand sudden jolting

”Ouch,” he roared ”Sic 'e off the co him with cushi+ons; ”let up, or I'll keep this to myself”

The pair fell back, but with cushi+ons still held aloft ood,” said Frank, ”look out”

”Well, this is good, all right,” said Jack, and hurriedly he explained Captain Folsom was about to set out froate reports that a veritable fleet of liquor-s vessels was so Island On their way, they would stop off at the Brownell place and send a boat ashore with a change of guards to relieve those on duty They would be at the rendezvous in the course of the next three hours

”Captain Folsoglers who stole our ht haveto identify the boat in case it was found He said there was just a bare chance of its being located, and he didn't want to arouse our hopes unduly Also, he added that there would be no danger, and he thought ould enjoy the outing This time, however, he said, he would not take us unless by the permission of our parents If that could be obtained, we should make our way to the Brownell place and the boat would pick us up”

”Hurray,” cried Frank, executing a war dance ”Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo!”

”Call up your father, Bob,” said Jack, ”and ask hi distance”

Both boys hastened to execute the commission, and when Jack returned in an incredibly short time it ith his father's permission to make the trip Mr Temple proved sier to the boys on such an expedition, as it was altogether unlikely that any liquor-runners would ainst an armed vessel of the United States Navy Also, they were struck by Captain Folso as to the possible whereabouts of thehow the boys were put out at the loss, they felt it was only fair to the chuood three miles to Starfish Cove,” said Jack, anxiously ”Can you , Bob?”

For answer Bob swung the wounded member back and forth several tiht,” he said ”If I can't ht load”

Frank groaned inwith Mrs Te a note to explain their absence, the boys set out



Picked up by the boat at Starfish Cove, to which Bob had reat inconvenience, the boys were rowed to the Nark where they were greeted on deck by Captain Folsoot under way again, and was soon edging seaward yet with the low coast line on her bow, a crea smother of water under her forefoot Lieutenant Su the boys pleasantly, returned to his duties Leaning over the rail with thelers

No trace had been found of Higginbotham, he said Inquiry had been made at the McKay Realty Company offices, but Mr McKay as said to be out of the city on business, had not yet returned, and nobody else could be found who could give any inforinbotham's haunts It was learned he led a bachelor existence and had rooms at a don apartinbotham had not put in an appearance nor called by telephone