Part 23 (1/2)
Thus they had wrestled
As Frank shakily, with Della's assistance, was getting to his feet, there ca cry froh the air went flying the form of Bob's assailant He had fallen victirip, which lifted theover Bob's head But into the propulsion this tith The result was that, instead of falling ih the air a distance of several yards
As luck would have it, this human meteor descended upon one of Jack's assailants, and the pair went down to the ground together At this, the other man turned and fled incontinently into the woods
The first round had been won But there were still five assailants left And all arer of delay and called:
”Bob, Jack, quick Wehis head to clear it, he seized Della by the hand and started running towards the house A glance sufficed to show hi after hi up the rear
But their troubles were not ended Thus far the attackers had refrained fro others to the scene But, seeing their prey escape, several nohipped out weapons and began to fire
Bob, the last in line, groaned:
”Got me”
He fell Jack spun around, took in the situation, then called:
”Girls, you run on hoet help Frank and I will stay with Bob”
”I' out”
He struggled to regain his feet
Several more shots whistled unpleasantly close Their assailants were approaching, shooting as they cairls,” cried Jack
They darted away
Suddenly Toh the woods, service revolver gripped in his hand He had been aroused, as he slept nearby at the Ha attacked In the ht, it was not difficult to see at which party to fire, and To about the attacking party in quick succession The arrival of reinforcements completed the discomfiture of the latter They fled back towards the beach
To theo Bob's hurt Help us get him to the house”
When the boys and Tom Barnureat state of excitement Some of the maids were hysterical But Frank and Della, with a few sharp-spoken words, shaht them to their senses However, it was not to be wondered at that hysteria prevailed, as there were few ive protection in case of an attack on the house, the butler being an oldish and timorous man and the chauffeur absent
Frank assured the women, however, that they need not fear attack, and they retired to the servant's quarters
Meantime, Jack and Tom Barnum had assisted Bob to his rooms and examined his injury It was found he had been struck by bullets not only once but twice In neither case, however, was the injury serious
One had creased his right thigh, the other pierced the calf without touching the bone The wounds were bandaged and dressed
Then a consultation was held, which both Della and Marjorie Faulkner insisted on attending Both had been thoroughly frightened, but were plucky spirits, and the boys were loud in praise of their behavior
Frank could not thank Della enough for her interference to save him from the ruffian who had felled him