Part 22 (1/2)

”By the way, Captain,” interposed Frank, ”keep us posted, will you, on how this affair turns out? Let us know if Higginbotham is located”

”I'll do that,” the other proirls, he crossed the lawn to Jack's side and the tung down the drive to where Jack had left the car parked by the side of the ate

On Jack's return, he informed his chums that the liquor at the Brownell place had been removed to the Nark, the captives placed aboard, and that then Lieutenant Suuard at the house and the radio plant to round up any of the sle back

”He gave me a bit of advice to be passed on to you fellows,” Jack added, out of hearing of the girls ”That was, to go about aruard”

”Why?” asked Bob, in surprise

”Well,” Jack replied, ”he said some of those felloho escaped into the woods undoubtedly would have it in for us for having spoiled their plans, and that it was barely possible they ht try to waylay us He pointed out the men were a desperate lot, and that soeful”

”Huh,” grunted Bob, contemptuously

Frank, however, showed anxiety

”That's all right, Bob,” he coiven Jack that warning if there were no grounds for it Look here, Jack,” he added, ”Uncle George won't be hoht Have you heard froe while I slept that he wouldn't be out for several days,” Jack replied

”Well,” said Frank, ”I believe it would be a good plan for you to sleep at our house At any rate until your father returns ho bed Then, if anything happens at night, we'll all be together”

”All right, I'll do that,” Jack agreed ”Not that I expect anything will occur But, as you say, if there is trouble, it is best to be together Well, now let's join the girls We've still got soht make up doubles for tennis”



After dinner, which the five young people ate without the presence of their elders, as even Mrs Te been picked up in a friend'sthe afternoon and whisked away to a country hoallery A desultory conversation was maintained, but presently at a whisper fro french s of theharmoniously in the strains of an old Southern melody to an accompaniment played by Della on the piano

The others listened until the conclusion which they greeted with spirited applause Then by common consent all three arose and went in to join Thereafter for an hour, the singing continued, with first Della and then Miss Faulkner at the piano

When the coh exhausted, Bob who had wandered off to aand stood there in the breeze, looking out at the play of estion that they all go for a short spin in the erly assented What a lark A spin in a speed boat under the h the night arm it would be cool on the water, especially if any speed were attained

Then the party set out, Jack and Bob squiring Miss Faulkner, and Frank slightly in the rear with Della

On the walk to the boathouse Della reproached Frank for having taken so arded her slyly

”But Jack and Bob took risks, too,” he said

Della flushed Was the young rascal intireater than in the others She was about to reply tartly, but Frank aardly took her hand and squeezed it, then hurriedly released it again Demonstrations of affection were not frequent between these two, yet they had a pretty good understanding They walked on in silence

”Just the same, Frank,” said Della presently, ”you must take better care of yourself”

Frank nodded He did not trust hiirl ho in the same household with her from early boyhood, threw his were not without their effect He knew that if he spoke now, he would say so ”soft” So he maintained his silence

The trio ahead th the boathouse was reached Bob swung back the door and, all pushi+ng together, the boat was trundled out on its little trucks, removed to the chute in which rollers were set, and rolled down to the water and launched