Part 20 (1/2)
A quick dash fro room of the station
Jack's first ained entrance to the power house He approached the connecting door at the rear of the room It still was closed and locked Tom Barnu shut behind him, not, however, until Frank had found and pressed a wall button which switched on a cluster of electric lights overhead
”Lucky for us there is no other entrance to the power house than through this door,” said Jack ”At least there is none, so far as I have seen If there had been, they h here and have gotten close enough to rush us before we could have stopped the the boys to keep an eye on the prisoners
”I see you are keeping watch through a crack in the door,” he said
”But, I believe ould be better off with the door open entirely
That would give us a clear view of the side fro table across the doorway, upending it So”
And, suiting action to word, he and Toed the heavy article of furniture into position ”Now let us push the door open,” he said
Just as To split the air
”Hurray,” shouted Jack ”The 'Dry Navy' got on the job Come on, fellows, open the door”
As Tom Barnum, who had paused in that very act, stunned by this new develop outward, the others crowded to the barrier of the upended table
Jack's sur the wall of the radio station were ranged a dozen h the door But Lieutenant Su by the sounds of combat, had made a hurried march up fro across the clearing, scattered out fanwise, crouching and shooting as they ca only a ragged fire
Seeing how matters stood, Captain Folso the boys to keep in the background, he and Tom Barnum stepped out to the stoop and poured the contents of their revolvers, fast as they could pulers
The surprise of the latter was coht between two fires, they did not knohich way to turn They wavered athe wall of the radio plant in an opposite direction fro the trees, pursued by a detachment of Lieutenant Summer's men, the latter with a half dozen followers dashed up to the radio plant and, in the lighted doorway, recognized the figure of his colleague, Captain Folsoed, and then Captain Folsom called the boys forward and introduced them
”Plucky lads, if ever I enuity has pulled us through tiruffly, ”that it was in with”
”Nonsense, my boy,” said Captain Folso that rascal, Higginbotham Well, now, let us head for the house Probably that is where these rascals will take refuge Theywho you are, Lieutenant, and how you happened to appear on the scene”
A hastyof forces was first made Besides the three boys, Captain Folsom and Tom Barnum, Lieutenant Suhteen in all It was decided to split this force into two equal parties, one commanded by Lieutenant Summers, the other by Captain Folsouide, the boys with Captain Folsoainst the front and rear entrances of the house, summon those within to surrender and, if necessary, to blockade the house until surrender was ht, each party detached a uard over the tunnel and thus prevent any who had taken refuge either therein or in the house fro their escape
As it proved, however, when Paddy Ryan discovered he was besieged by governether with the half dozen men with him The others had scattered and overnment forces came to take inventory of their prisoners, it was discovered that aet nothin' out of inbotham's whereabouts ”He beat it away That's all I know”