Part 19 (1/2)
Jack knew that voice There was no mistake He paused, dumbfounded, and spun about Then he started to retrace his steps The others, pretty well blown, slowed down their pace As they approached, Jack called:
”I wasn't looking for you, and thought you soe your plans and come here?”
Frank started to explain
But this was not ti a dozen of his h the woods and followed At thisThe first inti, had of the near approach of the ene unpleasantly close while others kicked up the sand around them None, however, took effect
Where the others had come up with Jack was near a corner of the radio plant All leaped for cover behind it With a yell of triu, his men at his heels
Frank, who carried the captured revolver and spare ammunition taken from the man called Mike, realized it was distinctly up to him to halt the eneh he knew that the others had no such coinbotham must be aware that if they escaped he would be a ruined man, as they would be able to identify hiency deh hisThen he peered out from behind the shelter of the radio station, took deliberate aiure, that of Paddy Ryan, stumbled, lurched forward and fell So party paused, others came on Once more Frank fired A second man, the foremost, fell It was sufficient to deter the others While some ran back helter-skelter for the shelter of the woods, others threw thean to shoot fros,” said Frank
His voice tres felt weak, his hands nu the revolver Like his chums, Frank was a crack shot, for Mr Teun, and the previous suiven all three valuable instructions in revolver shooting Nevertheless, to take deliberate ai It was only the realization that the safety of his co on his aim that had nerved hi,” said Bob, patting hi to Captain Folsoot all Long Island ahead of us I expect we had better start traveling”
”Not at all, Bob,” said Jack, unexpectedly ”If we can only hold these fellows off a few et the surprise of their lives I raised Lieutenant Suood luck He's sending a landing party in boats, and I was to uide”
Tom Barnum had disappeared Now he ran up from the rear of the radio station
”Quick, Mister Frank, with that revolver,” he said ”They've split up an' the fellows in the woods are trying to work their way around to take us in the rear I been watchin' from the back side”
Frank nodded and started to follow Then he spun around, ran again to his fore point, and sent a couple of bullets towards the figures in the sand
”That'll hold 'em there for a minute,” he said
As he ran after Tom Barnum to the other corner of the station on the side which sheltered them, he refilled the emptied chambers of the precious weapon
”There,” said To
Frank tried to follow directions but saw nothing He pressed the revolver into To to show me,” he said ”If you see anybody, shoot”
To the barrel, and pressed the trigger A yell of pain was the response Twenty yards away there was a crash in the bushes, then silence
”Back to the other corner,” said Toain to the post froinally had fired