Part 9 (2/2)
”You mean the radio-controlled plane must be put out of commission?”
asked Frank quickly
”You have read ht,” accused Captain Folsoest But how to do it, with no evidence against Higginbotha at the Brownell house, is beyond me”
”Jack's a shark at the use of radio,” declared Bob ”Perhaps he can suggest some method”
All turned toward Jack
”It wouldn't do, of course, to make a raid and capture the plane and their radio plant?” Jack asked
Captain Folsom shook his head
”No,” he said ”That wouldn't do, for a number of reasons In the first place, as I said, we have no evidence that would stand in court that Higginbotham or anybody else connected with the matter is a law-breaker It overnment license for the operation of the radio station
The power of these bootleggers reaches far, and goes into high places
Therefore, we cannot afford to make an open attack
”But, in the second place,” he added, leaning forward and uncrossing his legs; ”what good would that do? It would only warn the Man Higher Up that ere on his track We don't want him warned We want to close in on hiiven us a lead that will enable us to do so At the same time--we do want to put that plane out of come, if with our airplane and our own radio plant, one of the most powerful private plants in the world, certainly in Ae, I say, if with this equipment we are not enabled to work out so your ends
”But, let's think it over Let's sleep on it I have the glis of an idea now But I'm tired It's been a hard day Suppose we all turn in and talk it over to-”
”Good idea, Jack,” declared Bob, yawning unrestrainedly ”I'ood,” said Captain Folsoe of your kind offer to put ht”
”No trouble at all,” said Jack, heartily ”Coht, fellows
Withto their roo to make their way to the Hampton home On the part of none of theht would bring forth
In the ht, Jack aith a start, and lay silent awhat had aroused him The next moment he heard a cry outside hisof ”Jack, Jack, wake up”
It was Frank's voice Leaping fro the side lawn nearest the Teht stood Frank, a pair of trousers pulled over his pajaain
”What's the ar's afire Tom Barnum saw the blaze from your radio station and called the house I'ed away toward the airplane hangar, clutching at his trousers as he ran Jack could not help laughing a little at the ridiculous spectacle which his chum provided Then he turned back to the roo except trousers, shi+rt and shoes While he was thus engaged, the voice of Captain Folsom hailed him sleepily from next room