Part 9 (1/2)

”My dear boy,” he said, ”wherever 'bigthings you would never have suspected they were capable of And certainly, 'bigis termed

”Evidently, you boys have not been interested in watching developments in this situation, since the country beca story, and I won't spin out the details But, as soon as the prohibition laent into effect, in every city in the country bootleggers sprang up Many, of course, were of the lawless type that are always engaged in breaking the laws Others, however, were people who ordinarily would not be regarded as law-violators In this case, though, they felt that an injustice had been done, that hu of prohibition on the country They felt it was a matter the individual should be permitted to decide for himself, whether he should take a drink of liquor or not, you know

”These people, therefore, did not regard it as a crime to break the law

”Another salve to conscience, moreover, was the fact that tre Liquor was selling for prices that were si about the beginnings of things People who never had drunk liquor in any quantities before, noould buy a case of whiskey or wine, and pay 100 a case and up for it, and consider theet it They would boast quietly to friends about having obtained a case of liquor

”The bootlegging industry, accordingly, has grown to astonishi+ng proportions to-day Right in New York City are o did not have a penny, and they have acquired their ers operated individually, and elsewhere in the Nation that is still largely theirevidences lately that soe of the situation and iftly bending other bootleggers to his will For so, probably controlled and directed by onehere”

”And do you believe,” interrupted Frank, ”that this ht the old Brownell place ure?”

Captain Folsom nodded

”It is entirely possible,” he said ”Moreover, what you have told me about the construction of a secret radio plant, and about the appearance of this radio-controlled airplane, fits in with certain other facts which have puzzled us a good deal lately”

”How so?” asked Jack

”For one thing,” said Captain Folsoue, Lieutenant Summers of the submarine division, tells me that his radio receivers aboard the boats of his fleet have picked up any number of mysterious series of dots and dashes lately Code experts have been working on theless

”He was puzzled by them He still is puzzled But, we have noticed that after every such flooding of the ether with these dots and dashes, a shi+pment of liquor has appeared on the market And one theory advanced is that the liquor was landed along the coast of Long Island or New Jersey in boats controlled by radio fro to this theory, were launched from some liquor-laden vessel which had arrived off the coast from the West Indies Radio-driven boats, automobiles or planes, Lieutenant Summers tells me, are directed by a series of dots and dashes So you see, our theory sounds plausible enough, and, if it is correct, the direction probably has co Bob's brorinkled in thought He seldom spoke, but usually when he did so, it was to the point

”In that case,” he asked, ”ould be the necessity for this radio-driven airplane? Apparently, the airplane is for communication from shi+p to shore But, with a radio land station, why can't such communications be carried on by radio in code?”

Captain Folso in that,” he said

”Perhaps, these plotters are playing safe,” suggested Frank ”They ure that code would be intercepted and interpreted Therefore, they confine their use of radio to the trans er”

Jack nodded approvingly

”Yes,” he agreed, ”Frank's idea is a good one Besides, by using a radio-controlled plane, the plotters can scout over the surrounding waters for o The plane canexpedition over the shore, too, for that matter

You see a radio-controlled plane has an ie for such scout work, inasmuch as it proceeds practically without noise”

Captain Folsoly with an open pale,” he cried, ”I believe you boys have hit it This scout plane is the answer to what has puzzled us the last feeeks We know liquor is being landed somewhere from shi+ps, but despite our best efforts both ashore and on the water, we have been unable to run down the s parties ashore Well, this plane warns the shi+ps away from the vicinity of the sub chasers, and also directs the landing of the radio-controlled boats with their cargo at lonely spots where there are no guards Yes, sir, I believe that is the way it has been worked”

He fell silent, and sat with brorinkled in concentrated thought

The boys respected his silence, and also were busied with their own thoughts

”There is one thing that has got to be done,” said Captain Folsoleam of determination in his eye