Part 3 (1/2)
”'The white people did it;' the mothers reply; 'the christians did it!'
”Thus for cursed Mammon's sake, the followers of Christ have sown the hellish tares of hatred in the bosoan children”
The reader will, however, with pleasure reovernloo in all the pomps and pleasures of three millions of dollars per annu in the Aton had known
With bleeding heart he had often beheld the red and white ht The horrors of the cruel strife dwelt upon his troubled thoughts; and soon as God gave him power, (AS PRESIDENT OF INDEPENDENT AMERICA,) he immediately adopted that better systeospel His successors, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison, have piously pursued his plan
In place of the tooods are furnished the their tribes -- and the soul of huether like brothers
--This generalization is doubtful for the time of which Weems speaks, and is certainly false for some subsequent periods, in which Great Britain had far better relations with native peoples (as in Canada) than did the United States -- A L, 1997
By this God-like policy, the United States have not only saved an i to the population and strength of the country
Now to return to Marion's letter -- ”After burning twenty towns, and destroying thousands of cornfields, the army returned to Koehere the 'Little Carpenter', a Cherokee chief, met colonel Grant and concluded a peace” The troops were then disbanded: and Marion returned to his plantation in St John's parish, where, with a feell-fed slaves, he continued to till his parental acres, occasionally a rod, of which he was always very fond
--To this day the Indians cannot bear the name of colonel Grant; and whenever they see a drove of horses destroying a corn-field, they call out ”Grant, Grant”
Chapter 3
War between England and America -- Marion appointed a captain in the Second South Carolina regi service -- curious anecdote of lieut Charnock and captain Johnson -- some melancholy and memorable relations
Marion continued to tread the peaceful and pleasant walks of life, as above, till the beginning of May, 1775, when, by a vessel direct froton
Instantly the whole town and country were in a fla purposely convened, hastened totwo regi for officers, Marion's ticket caiment, under command of the brave William Moultrie
In a little tiireat joy, as I had long courted the friendshi+p of Marion For though he was neither handsome, nor witty, nor wealthy, yet he was universally beloved
The fairness of his character -- his fondness for his relations -- his humanity to his slaves -- and his bravery in the Indian war, hadof the country It is not, therefore, to be wondered at, that I should have taken such a liking to Marion, but why he should have conceived such a partiality for me, that's the question But it is no business of mine to solve it
However, very certain it is, that on the firstin his eyes and looks towardsof ”people's falling in love at first sight” And when it is considered, that strong attachenialities, I must confess, that the warm and constant friendshi+p of Marion has ever appeared to
But to return to my narrative -- Our coned by the council of safety, the 21st of June, 1775 As ere a couple of flaleprisoners, was all that we could think or talk of
But as all this fine sport could not be carried on without , of course, appeared to be the first act and prologue of our play
”But what shall we do for money, captain Marion?” said I
”Why,” replied he, ”we et it froly applied to, but alas! ”could not help us to a single dollar!”
I wonder whether posterity will ever rey heads of South Carolina, without a penny in pocket, ventured to ith Great Britain, the nation of the longest purse in Europe?
Surely it was of hiainst the giant Goliath
But though the poverty of the legislature was enough to have thrown a da zeal like ours, it only served as water on a fiery furnace, to make it blaze the fiercer
”Why truly, Horry!” said Marion, ”this looks unpro, but we must not mind it my hero, I'll tell you what -- if the assembly can't help us, we must e'en help ourselves!
So come let us try e can do on our own credit”
”With all my heart,” I replied