Part 2 (1/2)
And they bear the dullness of apathy the better, because they have never known the transports of affection But with me, my charmer, the case is happily different; for at the el eyes, they infused a sweetness into my heart unknown before
And those delicious sparks, fanned by your loves and graces, have now risen to such a flao out with it Then, my first and last, and only sweetheart, I pray you, do not fear that I shall ever cease to love you: for indeed that can never be while you continue even half as lovely as you are at present”
”Well then, Marion,” replied she, fondly pressing his ruddy cheeks to her heaving bosom, ”if it depends on me, on my constant affection and studiousness to please, you shall never love me less; but , accompanied by Madame D'Aubrey, Marion and Louisa returned home in order to make the best preparations, which the shortness of the time would allow, to quit their country for ever
In choosing his place of exile, it has been said that Marion's thoughts were at first turned towards the West Indies But it would appear that Heaven had decreed for him a different direction For scarcely had he reached his ho off in tiht hi hie shi+p, chartered for the Carolinas, by several wealthy Huguenot fa at anchor under the Isle de Rhee Gratefully regarding this as a beckoning from heaven, they at once commenced their work, and prosecuted it with such spirit, that on the evening of the ninth day they e friends and went on board the shi+p
It is said that many of the ers, Trapiers, Postells, Horrys, &c came over in the saan to bank the eastern sky, and the winds to whistle fro waters, the ready shi+p got ho before the freshening gale, she bid adieu to her native shores, and on wings of wide-spread canvas, co course for the western world
But thoughin the boso Marion and his Louisa, yet could they not suppress the workings of nature, which would indulge her sorrohen looking back on the lessening shores; they beheld dwindled to a point and trelorious land, at once their own cradle and the sepulchre of their fathers
Some natural tears they shed, but wiped them soon, for the earth was all before theuide
But Marion and Louisa did not leave their country eave Louisalapse of time, is uncertain Nor does tradition say for how much Marion sold his little farm But it is well known that on their arrival in Carolina, they went up into the country, and bought a plantation on Goose Creek, near Charleston, where their dust now sleeps, after a long life endeared by mutual love, and surrounded by every comfort that industry and prudence can bestow
We have said that Marion left his country for the sake of his RELIGION: which appears to have been of that cheerful sort for which a wise ospel, that blessed philosophy which asks not a face of gloom, but a heart of joy
And thereunto enjoin a supreme love of God, and a close ith hi of all the sweetest charities and joys of life, Marion derived that cheerfulness which appears never to have failed hiht to be gloo, his cheerfulness continued to shi+ne with undi of a cloudless sun: which, after pouring its fattening beaoes down in shter beauty on another day This will is certainly an amiable curiosity, and as ithiood life makes a man with death, I will record it: at least the principal features of it, as I got theood old way, bequeathed ”his soul to God who gave it,”
and ”his body to the earth out of which it was taken,” he proceeds in the :
In the first place, as to debts, thank God, I owe none
And therefore shall give my executors but little trouble on that score
Secondly -- As to the poor, I have always treated them as my brethren
My dear family will, I know, follow my example
Thirdly -- As to the wealth hich God has been pleased to bless ly we have labored together for it -- lovingly we have enjoyed it -- and noith a glad and grateful heart do I leave it a them
He then proceeds to the distribution Liberally to his children: but far ns his reasons, viz,
I give my ever beloved Louisa all my ready money -- that she ive her all s and poultry -- that she e and horses -- that she ive her my family bible -- that she ive my son Peter a hornbook -- for I am afraid he will always be a dunce
But Peter was so stung with this little squib, that he instantly quit his raccoon hunting by nights, and betook hi young man
His eldest son, who, after his father, was named Gabriel, married a Miss Charlotte Corde, by whom he had six children -- Esther, Gabriel, Isaac, Benjamin, Job, and our hero Francis, the least as well as the last of the family As to his sister Esther, I have never heard what became of her; but for his four brothers, I ah not formidable as soldiers, they were very aht farood children, and thus, very unlike our niggardly bachelors, contributed a liberal and laudable part to the population, strength, and glory of their country
God, I pray heartily, take kind notice of all such; and grant, that having thus done his will in this world, they lory in the next
Chapter 2
Marion's first appearance -- a hureat Cherokee war of 1761 comes on -- volunteers his services to his country -- is appointed a first lieutenant in the provincial line -- commands a forlorn hope -- narrowly escapes with his life -- the Anglo-Aed -- bloody battle -- the Indians defeated -- their country laid waste -- peacethe Mohawks of Sparta, it was a constant practice on the birth of a ranny to examine him, as a butcher would a veal for the market, and if he were found any ways puny, he was presently thrown into a horse pond with as little ceremony as a blind puppy Had such been the order of the day in 1732, Carolina would never have boasted a Marion; for I have it froreat soldier, at his birth, was not larger than a New England lobster, and h have been put into a quart pot