Part 1 (1/2)

The Life of General Francis Marion

by Mason Locke Weems


”O that mine enemy would write a book” -- This, in foroodto his worst enereat an evil, I know not But certain it is, I never drea a book; and least of all a 'war book'

What, I! a rand clirave and the other hard by, to quit my prayer book and crutches, (an old ht over again the battles of my youth

The Lord forbid me such madness! But what can one do when one's friends are eternally teasing hi out at every whipstitch and corner of the streets, ”Well, but, sir, where's Marion? where's the history of Marion, that we have so long been looking for?”

'Twas in vain that I told theentlemen, hasand another for that But I am morally certain he neverabout the use of a broadsword; but as to a pen, gentlemen, that's quite another part of speech The difference between a broadsword and a pen, gentleious; and it is not every officer, let reat battle with his sword to-day, and fight it over again with his pen to-morrow”

”Burn Caesar!” replied they, ”and his book too If it ritten in letters of gold, ould not read it What have honest republicans like us to do with such an a about scholarshi+p, and fine style, and all that, does not, begging your pardon, apply at all to the case in hand

Sreat writers to set thereat subjects require no such artificial helps: like true beauties, they shi+ne reat in his siive us Marion -- plain, brave, honest Marion; that's all ant, sir And you can do this better than any other ht closest by his side: and can best tell us of his noble deeds And surely now, after all, you can't bear to let hiotten forever”

This, I confess, went to the quick, and roused otten?” I exclaiotten! and by me!”

No, never! never! while memory looks back on the dreadful days of the revolution; when a British despot, not the NATION, (for I esteeenerous,) but a proud, stupid, obstinate, DESPOT, traland's realhteous edict, TAXATION without REPRESENTATION! and then, because in the spirit of our gallant fathers, we bravely opposed him, he broke up the very fountains of his inable curse of CIVIL WAR; when British armies, with their Hessian, and Indian, and tory allies, overranevery part with consternation; when no thing was to be seen but flying crowds, burning houses, and young s, and oldtheir withered hands over theirfro woods! When I think, I say, of these things, oh ilant, undaunted soldier, whoe his country's wrongs

The Washi+ngton of the south, he steadily pursued the warfare ht us to sleep in the swamps, to feed on roots, to drink the turbid waters of the ditch, to prowl nightly round the encampments of the foe, like lions round the habitations of the shepherds who had slaughtered their cubs

Soht us to fall upon the eneht hour with the horrors of our battle: at other times, when our forces were increased, he led us on boldly to the charge, hewing the eneht of day

Oh, Marion, h thy wars are all ended, and thyself at rest in the grave, yet I see thee still I see thee as thou ont to ride, most terrible in battle to the enemies of thy country

Thine eyes like balls of fire, fla brows

But lovely still wert thou inthe sons ofunder our swords, cried for quarter, thy heart swelled with coed, even as the countenance of a hter of his brothers

The basest tory who could but touch the heers of blood stopped short in thy presence, and turned away abashed fro of thine eyes

O that s for future days!

then shouldst thou, my friend, receive the fulness of thy fame

The fathers, of the years to come, should talk of thy noble deeds; and the youth yet unborn should rise up and call thee blessed Fired at the charlory, and make themselves the future Marions of their country

Peter Horry

Chapter 1

Short sketch of an extraordinary French couple, viz, the grandfather and mother of our hero -- their early and happy loves -- cruel persecution of the priests -- final expulsion from their native country -- providential settlement in South Carolina -- their prosperous and exeular will of old Marion -- and birth of his grandson, Francis

Iht and bled for liberty