Chapter 26 The Arcanist Subclass (1/2)
Chapter 26 The Arcanist Subclass
–– the brain is your weapon, and knowledge is your power
Ren pressed a resolute <Arcanist> without a second thought
“Are you sure you want the [Arcanist] Subclass, adventurer?” Hairtoe asked, eyes stretched wide and lips grinning with sharp teeth on display
Ren was te i his subclass, which showed in his tone of voice “YES!”
Hairtoe didn’t ht From now on, you are an ARCANIST! Your brain is your weapon, and knowledge is your power!”
Aughyou just repeated the Arcanist description
“Uncover the secrets of ARCADIA and further your knowledge about the world, and you will surely become invincible”
The crystal necklace on Hairtoe’s neck glowed, and Ren was enveloped in a war normally with Hairtoe
Other players already talked to the grunome only to be snubbed by hi his ti
<CONGRATULATIONS in acquiring the rare subclass ARCANIST!>
❶ 5000 EXP
❷ 5000 gil >
<New SPELL acquired!>
Ren was over the moon, and he immediately checked his stats
‖ S T A TU S ‖
Nae: 19
Race: Sprite
Class: Mage
Subclass: Arcanist
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: Black
A T T R I B U T E S:
HP: 65 +100
MP: 80 +100
STR: 3
DEF: 64
MDF: 9 +5
INT: 66 +10
AGL: 54
LCK: 126 +5
S K I L L S:
❶ Mana Conversion LV1 (Passive)
–– 10 replenish mana upon a successful hit
S P E L L S:
❶ Heal LV1
–– cost 5 MP
–– single target
–– 10 replenish HP
–– 1 Min cool down
❷ Fire LV2
–– cost 10 MP
–– inflict 10 fire daet
–– 2 sec cool down
❸ Teleportation LV1
–– cost 50 MP
–– teleport within 1000m distance
–– x1 day
❹ Grimoire LV1
–– cost 50 MP
–– 10 percent chance of using 50 power of any Spell book, Skill book, and Scrolls without restriction to race or class
L I F E S K I L L S:
Cooking: Beginner
Fishi+ng: Beginner
Foraging: Beginner
EXP: 5000
Money: 10 447 gil
I T E M S:
● Newbie Garb x1 (Equipped)
● Long Staff x1 (Equipped)
● Protection Ring x1 (Equipped)
● Phantoendary) x1 (Equipped)
● COVENANT’s map x1
● Pelka Meat x 143
● Premium Meat x7
● Horned Rabbit Queen’s Meat x2
● Midnight Fur x5
● High Potion x5
● Chocolate Cake x1
● Chocolate Cookie x1
● Gold Pix Axe x1
● Gold Knife x1
● Cat Suit (Crafting) x1
● Cat ears (Crafting) x1
● Cat tail (Crafting]) x1