Chapter 25 Hairtoe (1/2)

Chapter 25 Hairtoe

[Your relationshi+p level with Hairtoe dropped froers to Ruffian!]

“Huh?” Leonel was confused He did know about the relationshi+p level of NPCs because Ren explained it to hiravity of such things

“Ruffian?” Leonel muttered

He looked at Ren and tilted his head with a flower sprouting over it and a wolfish snome doesn’t like me”

Ren smacked his hand over his face, and he immediately pushed Leonel back to the Fairy when Hairtoe was about to wrestle Leonel to the ground

“Leo, why don’t you look at the items here while I speak with Hairtoe? I need to have my subclass first”

“Fine Fine,” Leonel said without a care and went over to the Fairy Rubbing his hands together, he said, “Shohat you’ve got”

The Fairy beao!”

‖ C L A S S L E S S

M E R C H A N T ‖

❶ I T E M S

● Elixir (100 000 gil)

–– the highly sought-after Miracle Elixir!

–– restore HP and MP to full

● Full HP Potion (5 000 gil)

–– restore HP to full

● Full MP Potion (10 000 gil)

–– restore MP to full

● Panacea (5 000 gil)

–– heals all status effect

❷ W E A P O N

● Excalibur (4 700 000 gil)

–– a one-handed sword that only true knights may wield

–– STR +47

❸ A R M O R (4 000 000 gil)

● Platinuht to behold

–– DEF +40

❹ S H I E L D

● Platinuil)

–– a silvery shi+eld that is a sight to behold

–– HP + 20 000, DEF +20

❺ A C C E S S O R I E S

● Fairy Shoes (2 000 000 gil)

–– this set of winged shoes will fly you wherever you want to go

–– ignore terrain restrictions

–– DEF +4, AGI +10

● Platinuil)

–– its silvery shi+ne is a sight to behold

–– HP +10 000, DEF +10

● Queen Fairies Pluil)