Chapter 247. Those Who Stay, Those Who Leave (4) (1/2)

Chapter 247 Those Who Stay, Those Who Leave (4)

The Sage had the characteristic murky eyes of a blind man He looked at Seo Jun-Ho A h and looked at him with pity


“I’m sorry if this is rude, but… can you see?” Seo Jun-Ho asked carefully

The Sage tapped his eyes lightly with his pointer finger, showing that he was blind “Although I cannot see the world with my eyes, I can see it with my mind’s eye; I can smell it with my nose, and hear it with my ears”


“In short, I have acclimatized to my blindness, so there is no inconvenience inperson Even though he was standing right in front of Seo Jun-Ho, the latter had this fleeting feeling that he was speaking with a cloud or a e

“You said that I came faster than you expected Does that ?”

“ster” He stroked his long beard He nodded, seely unfazed “I understand The path that you have been walking is not an easy one You arecautious” He spoke as if he knew of Seo Jun-Ho’s past

Seo Jun-Ho pondered for a long ti, “Then what ?”

“It is a lonely, self-destructive one,” the Sage said fir was penetrating through his skull “It is a solitary road that prohibits you fro comrades, friends, or lovers It is a road in which you trap yourself in a cage and carry the burden of sacrifice whilst generously holding out a hand to others People call those who travel this path—Heroes”



For some unknown reason, a tear dripped down Seo Jun-Ho’s cheek


“ like this”

The Sage was an outsider, not one of the 5 Heroes, and he was definitely not Park Deok-Gu And yet, he had understood and e a crack in the seal he had placed on his e tie’s words fell, the area around the a pond, surrounded by a beautiful garden

“You sought me out because you wished to fix your broken body, did you not?” the Sage asked

At this point, Seo Jun-Ho had fully understood why the Six Masters had acknowledged and respected the Sage of the Observatory Tower, even though they were expert Players in their own right

’ </eross and invasive, but he didn’t feel that way Seo Jun-Ho felt like he was conversing with nature itself, and he could sense instinctively that the Sage was a non

“That is correct I wanted to ask your opinion”

“ his chin “You are in a terrible state This is the cost of defeating the Floor Master of the 2nd floor, Janabi”

“Personally, I think I got lucky”

“Hoho To think that you’d consider your current state lucky; you truly are an exeave a satisfied s it for a second “There are two solutions”

“Two?” Seo Jun-Ho’s hands unconsciously curled into fists He once again becae had been the correct option

“There is a relatively easy path and a relatively hard one”

“May I hear both of thee started with the relatively easy one “Find the Schumern Saintess If you ask her earnestly… It will take a month’s time for your body to return to a similar state as before”

“Only a month…?” Seo Jun-Ho was shocked

abilities are that powerful?’

So, why hadn’t she used thehts started to becoivetreatht you out because I saw no ihed benevolently without saying anything else A cool breeze blew through the pavilion, and he sipped on a cup of tea “I reles to create various results A person such as you will have a thick string that splits into many paths Do not underestimate the power of the connections you have made”


His ansas coist of it

ood reason not to ain, he would ask her what it was

“If getting treated by the Schumern Saintess is the relatively easy path, what is the hard one?” Jun-Ho asked

“It is not ive up immediately It is a path in which you must lay down your pride”

“Does that mean it’ll be worth it?”

“Yes Because you can becoer than before…?” Seo Jun-Ho’s eyes flashed, and he sat up straight “Please tell e set down his teacup with a tap “Find the Thunder God You need his assistance and guidance”

“Can you explain a little more in detail?”

“He controls electricity and is prolific in reies within a human that naturally builds up over time Even with your body’s terrible state, your body can becoer with his help”


“Why, does it hurt the great Specter’s pride to receive another’s help?” he asked

“Not really However…”


Seo Jun-Ho stopped in the middle of his sentence

ht be true

Seo Jun-Ho hi about how much time had passed, about how he had become a relic of the past He had said himself that there were many powerful Players and fiends in today’s world

But did he also feel that way deep down?


He knew better than anyone that wasn’t the case He had always been full of confidence, and though he acknowledged the Nine Heavens’ abilities, he thought that he would surpass theh

He had accepted it in his head, but not in his heart—that his light was old and faded


He becahts He felt pathetic and embarrassed as he nodded