Chapter 246. Those Who Stay, Those Who Leave (3) (1/2)
Chapter 246 Those Who Stay, Those Who Leave (3)
Ha In-Ho was sitting on a chair next to the bed, scrolling through Co blankly at him, he immediately stood up
“P-Princess-ni?!” he cried out
“Why are you in heaven?” she asked
“Because you’re not dead Also, I’ve lived a good life I’et into heaven”
It was the Ha In-Ho she knew Gong Ju-Ha grinned
She touched her chest “Ah, ow…”
“Don’t touch the area around the wound The Saintess said you mustn’t,” he said
“The Saintess?”
“Yes She treated your injuries”
The Schu Ju-Ha recalled she had participated in the mission and nodded
“I should repay her in the future For noant to sit, so helpdown for your own safety…”
“I’m a patient I’m in pain, so don’t h” Ha In-Ho looked like he was about to cry as he very</e, Gong Ju-Ha held out her hand “Water”
“Here you go”
Even the si Ju-Ha placed the cup down and gave a bitter s to act all strong…But it seems like it’ll take a while for me to return,” she said
“You’ll have to spend at least two or three reed
“I suppose I’ll lose my touch”
“” Ha In-Ho couldn’t even deny it However, Gong Ju-Ha shook her head when she saw his apologetic expression
“Don’t feel bad forvacation, I suppose” Actually, she was grateful that she was still alive
Janabi was the most powerful uys catch him? The invisible monster, I mean,” she said
“You mean the Floor Master? Specter and Seo Jun-Ho finished it off”
“Wow, he was a Floor Master?” She was shocked, but she slowly started to nod “I see… No wonder he was so impossibly powerful”
“Thanks to you three, the 3rd floor has foro up,” Ha In-Ho said
“It’s hot there”
“It has gotten a lot cooler compared to before They say that it’s not hard to resu as you have a little bit of fire resistance”
“ up soon as well”
Ha In-Ho couldn’t deny it Even though the team leader was injured, that didn’tActually, they would have to work even harder toJu-Ha wouldn’t be there
“Um… How is Mr Jun-Ho? Were his injuries worse than mine?” she asked carefully Seo Jun-Ho’s level was lower than her, so she orried that so the battle
“Seo Jun-Ho…” How should he say this? Ha In-Ho sighed after trying to find the right words “He’s alive And he left you a letter”
“A letter? iddy She didn’t notice Ha In-Ho’s face darken when he sa relieved she was “Give it to me I want to read it”
Ha In-Ho was conflicted Obviously, he didn’t knoas written in the letter because he didn’t read it
in there that’ll make her feel sad…’ </e Ju-Ha’s favorite Player aside fro, Ha In-Ho knew at least that much
‘But if she hears that he disappeared without a trace and that he’s unreachable…’</ereat impact on her That hat he orried about
When he didn’tJu-Ha held out her hand, indifferent “In-Ho What did I say earlier?”
“That you’re a patient, and that I shouldn’t ive me the letter”
“h and ultimately opened the drawer next to the bed After he pulled out the letter, he added one ht, but I will stay with you while you read it”
“Yeah, sure” Gong Ju-Ha nodded cheerfully and immediately ripped the envelope open The contents fluttered down onto her blanket, and she tilted her head “What is that…?”
The first thing that fell out o vouchers Upon closer inspection, she saw that they were vouchers to a fa Ju-Ha let out a light laugh
irl like this nowadays? How old-fashi+oned’
It didn’t seem very em tumbled out onto the bed from inside the envelope It was a red jewel in the shape of a teardrop She could tell howat it
“Princess-nim, that’s…” Ha In-Ho froze when he realized its value The elixir was, at the very least Unique-grade[2] Especially because Gong Ju-Ha was a flame user, it was practically priceless for her
“Where’s Mr Jun-Ho right now? Can I see hihtly The wound in her chest hurt a lot, but she felt so happy that she forgot it for just a second
‘She seems really happy’
Ha In-Ho could only see it because he had been by her side for so long His face darkened If it were possible, he wished that her face would always stay that bright
“Hm? Can I see him or not?” she pressed
Ha In-Ho sed and slowly opened his rew fearful Was he in a critical state? Was he hurt? She had thought that Seo Jun-Ho would be in a vaguely better state than she was because he had been able to leave her a letter
“He left…”
So, when Ha In-Ho spoke, she couldn’t quite process what he said
“What do you mean?” she asked Left? Wasn’t he in the same hospital as her, just in a different room? As she blinked, Ha In-Ho continued, “It’s exactly as I said He left this one letter and disappeared without a trace”
“I don’t get what you are saying,” Gong Ju-Ha retorted She was confused, unable to understand what he was saying “He left? To go where?”
“We don’t know As I said, all he left behind was that letter”
Gong Ju-Ha stared blankly at the two vouchers in her hand
‘These restaurant vouchers…’ </erab a ether after the mission So, why had he just left these vouchers behind without a word?
She wanted to meet hi wrong, she would rather be hit once in retaliation and get it over with