Chapter 961 Card Customization Successful (1/1)
Date- 3 April 2321
Time- 22:55
Location- Sun Blosso Hall
I did not bother to correct Agatha’s speculation about the events that transpire between Cheng andsince it worked in ood to throw around your sugar mama’s naood So I advise you to get one,” I advised Agatha
“Nope, I can’t do it Not everyone is born with thick skin like yours,” Agatha replied with a sneer
“I will deal with you later, let me customize cards in peace,” For Cindy andit would take a while in that tiy sword Therefore I did not have the tiatha so I let her have the win this tinoring her I turned e card handed by Cheng, I fetched a core of the A-rank Enchanted Earth Serpents and placed it on the card creation page Then I extracted the soul pathway’s belonging to the Enchanting ability of the monster fro the soul pathways of the eight energy sword handles Later I stored away the serpentwith the common core from the earlier Then repeated this whole process with the re econoredients that I feel like I could use later But I cannot do the same when it comes to the clients at least not without their per property froht noas using redients and did not need anybody’s perredients
After transferring the 8 soul pathways of the Enchanting ability into the coems and transferred them into the common core Afterward, I did not immediately use they cores in each of the energy word handles Instead, I used the soul pathways of the Enchanting ability to replace the soul pathways of the enslaving ability of the calaan ree the calaem
The viltronian physique was not for the card apprentice but for the ingredients that assey sword handles Was I not worried about other card creationists finding the soul pathways related to the Viltronian physique? Nope, because the ability of the soul pathways related to the Viltronian physique was basically enhanced strength which could be achieved using any nuive a damn about but it was different when it came to absolute enslavement ability, that would brew Stroems were created I used they cores in each of the energy word handles And thanks to the soul pathway of the viltronian physique the other ingredients beca to that the effect of the Enchanting ability that replaced the enslaving ability, also increased the overall durability of the energy sword handles by a huge y swords was co to use the isp essence and core to enhance the durability of the energy sword handles
But seeing that I still had time to spare to be on the safer side I decided to use the isp core and essence to strengthen the energy sword handles to bear the load of the new energy core, aka the sterile version of the calaee and Viltronian physique, whose effect would only spread to the energy sword hands and not the user Meaning, that the sterile calaem too could not help the card apprentice connect with the world’s will si anythe soul pathways of the isp essence and core to strengthen the soul pathways of the 8 new custoy sword handles With this, I had successfully y word handles in the common core Then I morphed the core into a card
Card Custoot off the couch, equipped the newly custorimoire, and sua hands appear on ht ofabout the plasht at this enuinely happy that I transrated into this card world
The exciteht now could not be described in words, suppressing those feelings I focused and poured soul energy into all eight of the sword handle,
Eight bright neon blue light columns similar to the blade of a sword extended out of each sword handle inout of the sword handles, I felt chills It would be an understatele greatest ht now I felt that I hadwas rare for me, the only other time I felt hen I killed the viltronian bastard incontent, please report errors in time