Chapter 960 Sterile (1/1)
Date- 3 April 2321
Time- 22:52
Location- Sun Blosso Hall
The ey cores that help conduct the soul energy between the energy sword and card apprentice the rew excited about this Idea A sword purely y was considered lethal but a sword purelyexcited over this idea was of no use because for ey sword handle, I would first have to figure out how to refine the calaehter geem was because I planned to sell this card to its fate card apprentice afterward I did notthe viltronian physique if the appropriate price was offered but if the card apprentice used the card in card then their ould be enslaved to me For that not to happen I will have to think of a way around it So I only introduced viltronian core for em except for the exceptional ones, therefore this problem never arose
As I had previously hter into an artificial ego gem was underway And with the tireless effort of my three slave consciousnesses and Hive AI, we have been able to figure out a way to strip ee the soul pathways of the calae, editing the soul pathas not a new thing for me but this was a complicated case
The ability that I wanted to reem was that allowed it to turn its host into loyal followers of the calaeeeon calaem was created with this ability as a base, and if I were to snip out the soul pathways of this ability then the calaem will beco of soul pathways in this case complicated
So far my three slave consciousnesses and Hive AI have come up with two possible ways to counter this proble the limited time and resources spent on this project it was already incredible that they were able to come up with solutions
The first solution was that instead of cutting out soul pathways related to the enslaving ability of the calaem, we turn it sterile That was to let the soul pathways be as they were but per off their access to the card apprentice Meaning, to turn the soul pathways inactive After numerous simulations, ere able to find a way to keep the cala off its core ability This solution was a success but it left behind the potential danger of revealing ht try to study the said card This solution was simple and it had potential risks that I would rather stay away from
The second solution put forward by my three slave consciousnesses and Hive AI was to replace the soul pathways related to the enslaving ability of the calaem with some other soul pathways This solution proposed that I replace the unwanted core ability of the calaet what I ithout sinking the shi+p But the proble the foundation will definitely affect the top which eh it was stable for now you never knohen it will blow up on your face so I would have spare soeem
After endless simulations, my three slave consciousnesses and Hive AI had finally found a list of replacements for the soul pathways related to the core ability of the calaem Out of the list of replaceht would be the perfect fit for the creation of the new energy sword handle depending upon the ability of the ingredients in the card creationist association of the un blossom city
The replace ability of the A-rank Enchanted Earth Serpent which was indigenous to the A-rank Serphant Chaeon which falls under the jurisdiction of the sun blossom city So the card creationist association had a healthy stock of A-rank Enchanted Earth Serpent cores
“Master Wyatt, here are the ingredients you asked for,” following e card containing 8 A-rank Enchanted Earth Serpent cores, 8000 isp essence, and 8000 isp cores
“Hu further instructions, “Cheng, according to the plan we discussed earlier, stealthily lead our forces from the outskirts to the Circle’s sun blossom branch headquarters”
“Yes,retreated to execute the away on new orders I sent Cindy a o and to advance as we had previously discussed and heard curious Agatha ask, “What did your cronies do to this guy for him to be so obedient?”
“Now, that’s a trade secret I can’t go around revealing it to the likes of everyone curious,” I answered Agatha auously
“What trade secret? Youthe southern euessed
“Since you know the anshy ask?”
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