Volume 12 - Chapter 1 – Part 2 (2/2)
“That’s the best way to convince those ould oppose without an actual reason Celciutos was so all the advantages it offers very one-sidedly Many have forgotten this, however, so I believe that even a harsh reive it back, ithas been solved too: to repay such kindness with spite would be simply unthinkable!”
Arnofrom before: there was no risk of the one, as Marshi+ll had said before shi+n offered to create a new barrier and a settlement, so ere they really unhappy with? Arno frowned
There was also the fact that fishpeople andwith Celciutos Even if Jesta had entrusted them with it, they were only able to “watch over it” rather than actually “make use” of the shi+p
The barrier itself was fueled by Celciutos’ ic power In case the barrier was breached, Celciutos was set up to escape
The barrier had been preserved without problems until now, so even if Jesta hadn’tit deserted, it would have probably roup found it
“Well, even if they understand it in their heads, their hearts e all the saht sound, emotions aren’t settled so easily: shi+n had experienced this hi inevitable
On the bridge, shi+n switched the engine from the current low-outputsysteh-output htly before starting its first voyage in 500 years
Aftersure that there were no s, shi+n moved Celciutos
As the shi+p had been anchored to the surrounding rocks and coral, shi+n pulled in the anchor, levitated Celciutos, and slowly ot stuck on coral reefs, so ga and small alike, were equipped with short-duration levitation functions
A shi+p of Ceciutos’ level could travel, levitating above land, for about an hour They say that so this feat, tried to build an airshi+p
“OK then, I’ll make the settlement first”
shi+n used his architect skills to start building prefab ho Celciutos He could have createdto Lierno, it was h The fishpeople and radually, would soon start move to Barbatos after all
The former Celciutos residents were surprised to see the houses ready in less than 30 minutes, but no one expressed dissatisfaction The reason was probably because they usually lived in water and would frequently move They moved into the temporary houses with a speed that left shi+n surprised too; Then he went to find a place to hide Celciutos
“Looks like it can sail just fine, at least for now Good thing only the cannons seem to have proble at a s on the shi+p’s bridge
Since shi+n and his party were around, it was not a problem even if Celciutos’ offensive equipment did not work: it would have been ine or the power source Jesta had chosen to keep the miasma sealed because he didn’t know if Celciutos’ reduced offensive poas enough to repel uessed
Celciutos was a powerful weapon, but — barring rare exceptions — it was only used offensively in battles between guilds
In the gaeon boss uildhouse
Noever, things were different
For example, when shi+n faced the Skullface Lord in the Wraith Plains, it was possible for dungeons that were supposed to be underground to e above ground was thus not zero
If used effectively, Celciutos could even destroy Ishkar without giving it a chance to retaliate; at present, its main artillery — , so in the worst case it could even sink
Jesta probably considered all this when he decided to seal in the miasuess”
shi+n found a suitable location from the map saved in the database There was a location without of the sea surface If the data was correct, they were large enough to hide Celciutos
When they arrived at the location, they indeed found a group of large rocks towering over the sea With a co and Earth skills, shi+n carved the rocks, reinforced the them
shi+n also attached Crystal Stones, a barrier, and an illusion skill that ca environerously close to it, shi+n also placed a Crystal Stone with a ic attachment that drove away both monsters and people
With Celciutos as its power source, the ic attachments could last semi-permanently
“Sir shi+n, you have acquiredones, but have you never thought ofthem?”
Zazie’s question came after the preparations for Celciutos’ concealment were completed Just as she said, shi+n could have raised one or two other skills, like building or far
“If you , related skills like alcheh It’s not like we never discussed it, but in general we never touched the skills other members were specialized in Except if it was needed to perfect our own specialization”
To be able to handle anything production-related was an attractive prospect, but to do the sa as others was not at all
It was a coincidence that all Rokuten members headed in different directions with their specializations, and also that all of the as others
Rokuten members had sometimes spoken to each other about it in casual conversation
“Everyone also felt differently about to what extent they would perfect their skills Since it’s related to blacksh it was Hecate’s specialty About Cook’s far about it but inner-level at best”
shi+n’s far skill level for example was just II
“Why did you ask that, anyway?”
“I ondering if Rokuten members did not aspire to cover all aspects of creation, by cooperating with each other I could never ask my master, you see”
“…I see”
shi+n thought that Zazie would have surely wanted to ask Cook about soame, she couldn’t express her oill For a support character, a better understanding of her ht shi+n, who could now spend time with his support characters, like Schnee and Girard
After hiding Celciutos and setting the teleportation point, shi+n’s group rode the ic-powered vessel and returned to Barbatos
They had told Zigma that they didn’t knohen they would be back, so they used 【Hiding】 on the shi+p close to the port, then swam to land, with the shi+p safely stored in shi+n’s item box
They had concealed their presences when they reached land, so there was no risk of anyone seeing the theureya
“Where do you want me to set it up?”
“There are a few rooms for the staff in the back Let’s prepare a dedicated roo, shi+n arrived at a roo space shi+n set up the teleport point and connected it to the one placed on Celciutos: noas possible to freely ureya and the shi+p
“Finally, let’s place a ic-powered lock on the door…there”
shi+n locked the room with the unique key he also used for Tsuki no Hokora’s storeroo it so that only shi+n himself and the support characters of Rokuten members could open it No one else could enter the roo so , really Besides, now I have one less weight on uildhouse had been quite the lucky happenstance shi+n’s group would also have had troubleand the others take care of it was yet another stroke of good fortune
The group had no intention of going anywhere that day, of course, so they had dinner at shi+gureya and stayed in the inn they had used before departing