Volume 12 - Chapter 1 – Part 2 (1/2)
Chapter 1 – Part 2
“For now, I plan to move it to some place where it won’t stand out and have Raster perfor locations, shi+n talked with Zazie and her group about what he planned to do with Celciutos They had not discussed this topic during the talk with Lierno and the other leaders
“Sir shi+n, I know this is a difficult request, but allow me to ask I would like you to leave Celciutos to us”
ZazieCelciutos before shi+n brought it up In terms of administration hierarchy, shi+n was above Zazie and the other former support characters If shi+n didn’t allow it, they could not evenbehind Zazie, the other support characters — Lapwing, Bell, and Shell — watched shi+n with a pleading expression
“Rest easy, I planned to leave it to you frouildhouse after all, and I’ weird with it”
“Thank you very much”
Zazie lowered her head, her serious expression still on her face Lapwing and the other two followed suit
With shi+n’s authorization, they would be able to pilot Celciutos now First of all they wanted to ureya and Celciutos, so the four went to the operation rooeneral check-up then What are you going to do, everybody?”
“I do not possess any skills about such technology or o assist with the preparations for Jesta’s funerals”
“Saood with creation-type skills”
shi+baid and Filma replied in similar ways to shi+n’s question
Girard was the same too: shi+n’s front-line support characters were specialized in coh techniques related to creating things to be useful
Because of their jobs, they could perfor, but they couldn’t do anything in tere shi+p like Celciutos
“I’ll go help with the funeral too”
Tiera likewise said she would go with shi+baid and Filma Her abilities as a priestess had returned, so she could probably be useful there, she said
“I’ll stay and help shi+n”
Schnee would assist shi+n instead, using her knowledge of alchemy
“Kuu, I want to watch”
Still in fox mode, Yuzuha rode on shi+n’s shoulder
“Okay, it’s decided then”
shi+n headed to Celciutos’ engine room, with Schnee and Yuzuha If he wanted to move Celciutos, that was the first location to check
The shi+p’s engine roo, alcheether, so he kneorked and how to perfor as I reic power”
shi+n’s group passed through several rooine room, where the shi+p’s power source was held
The 3-mel wide transparent, round container in the room was supported above and below by four ht, which would sohts
“No changes in color, and it doesn’t look dae frouildhouse’s engine roolect due to abandon shi+n told Schnee to let hi, then resuht”
“Because we used a large ‘Drop of Eratheine, or at least that’s e called it We haven’t actually tested it though”
The light eently and did not hurt the eyes, even if looked at directly Also, because of the seven-colored lights that souessed that it was Celciutos’ giant power source
Yuzuha seerown fond of it, and watched it intently, full of childish wonder
“Ok, no proble that there were no irregularities, shi+n quickly finished the check-up of every part of the roo or e or techniques were needed and let Schnee take care of the rest
After co the maintenance shi+n went back outside In a square-like open space he found a pile of 2-s stacked on top of each other to foron-shaped structure He was first reminded of a campfire, but then he saw harpoons and decorations around the structure and realized that it was so ritualistic
shi+n asked the fishman Marshi+ll, who happened to be nearby, about the structure The wooden structure would be burnt alongside the deceased, to return the soul to the heavens and the body to the sea It was the same as the Barbatos ritual, which Zazie had talked about
“The funeral will be held to you want to burn with the deceased, please let s they liked, provided they were flaether
shi+n replied that Zazie or Lapould know more about that than him, and Marshi+ll replied that he had already told them about it
The next day, under a clear blue sky, the funeral ceremony started in a very serious and for fla, chanted words shi+n’s group could not understand They couldn’t understand thefor those passing into the otherworld
Perhaps the ti had been calculated, but, as soon as Lierno and Arno finished chanting, the burning logs cru next to them, splashed water on the e billows of white sazed at as it rose towards the sky
After a while, the smoke vanished and Lierno and Arno cast a spell The water created by their ic surrounded the remains and transported them to the sea
As the ashes s sank to the bottom
With some final words by Lierno, the funeral ceremony was concluded
“I will move Celciutos, then build a settlement in its former space, okay?”
After Jesta’s funeral, shi+n went to ht away
As shi+n would provide a new barrier and settle Celciutos from its inhabitants
“I expected h”
“No one here would dare protest to a High Huht against you too”
“Ah…was I ood thing that everyone witnessed your strength Marshi+ll is by far the strongest of our tribe: seeing him overwhelmed like that, everyone will have to just accept the reality No matter how fond they are of Celciutos, they surely understood how terrifying it would be to have its legitimate owner as an ene you…”
shi+n had no such intention, but the way Arno spoke, it appeared like he was trying to strong-arm Celciutos from them In their first encounter with Marshi+ll, the atotten rather tense, so it would be difficult to deny it completely