Chapter 428 Sheathed (1/2)
Chapter 428 Sheathed
Aldrich assessed the situation There were tays to approach this First was direct conflict Take out three swords here and now No, four counting Shuten Doji The second was to accept the first sword's offer
The first choice was teht It would heavily cripple the swords if, of course, Aldrich and his current group ed to beat them That alone was a massive if He had too little information on the battle capabilities of the three swords, and they were the strongest out of the seven
The first sword's display of poas a deterrent enough He had instantly sliced Clint in half with little to no effort Clint, a h that he was called the Unbreakable That was offensive power that Aldrich had never encountered before
The attack was lightning fast, too, extremely difficult to react to even for Aldrich Had Volantis not been a Aldrich's reaction time, even he would have not been able to deal with it Granted, slicing attacks were not that effective against undead But it was impossible to tell whether the first hand hadthe swords here also meant more trouble later on It would weaken theiven the swords' reputations for being diehard fighters with a battle forged code of honor It was very likely the reht harder than ever before, and all of the fourth, six, and seventh swords
Technically speaking, if Aldrich wanted the path of least resistance, then fighting one sas better than three enraged ones, even if said sas the first and strongest The best way to defeat an experienced and aged Alter was to run thee
The second option e for Shuten Doji, Aldrich would only face the first hand at Blackwater By now, it was fairly obvious what Aldrich, or rather Thanatos, was after: the Machineheart
It was a three-ar between Aldrich, AII, and the Italian and japanese prongs entrenched in Blackwater Both eneed dereatest cyberspace entity in existence The other was arguably the most well-resourced criminal syndicate in the world, and defenders always had the ho any of these forces was a tree Aldrich had no way to take AII out a�" the demon maintained far too much secrecy for that But if Aldrich took the swords out of the equation, then he estie chunk of Blackwater defenses, especially with the Kryptic warding off Solomon Solar
That just leftforces to deal with, and Aldrich had a plan to thin out both of theht already
The decision was fairly obvious in Aldrich's mind What mattered was if he trusted the first sword's words, and that, he had no real answer to However, there was someone here who knew the first sword better than he did
"Clint," said Aldrich Clint perked his head up "Do you think the first sword here will keep his word? You know him better than I do Better than all of us do"
"You would dare to question grandfather's honor!?" said Yuki She clutched her naginata tight in her porcelain white hands The te freeze in an instant
Monk raised his hand to stop her "Stop, my child"
"Old shi+t's a cruel fucker But he don't lie I'll give him that," said Clint