Chapter 427 Split (1/2)
Chapter 427 Split
'More than I think?' Aldrich rolled Monk's cryptic words over in his head At face value, they offered nothing Proratitude It was the character of the ratitude that backed it
The only issue here was that he knew very little about Monk's character It was the level of secrecy that the Seven Swords operated on They, unlike roups, basically only did jobs for the Trident, li the amount of information available on their exploits On top of that, they personally took very few jobs,only when they needed to
And when they moved, they ht Clean Efficient Deadly
At least it looked like they operated on some form of honor with how Shuten Doji was absolutely confident that the rest of the swords would never give up on him
"You!" A deep voice echoed across the barren, sun-scorched plains
Clint's voice
Aldrich turned his head to see Clint hovering in the air, holding a giant cube construct of red energy atop his palm Inside, Volantis projected the outlines of several humanoids The lab tea soy constructability
Clint's eyes, norer directed not at the second or third swords, but straight at Monk, the first sword
Right There was a history between Clint and the swords Deep, painful history History that had gotten Clint's wife and infant son killed History that had gotten two out of seven swords killed A wife and a child for tords a�" an equivalent exchange forged in blood
The details, Aldrich had never probed Nor would he have wanted to It was Clint's personal history and he respected that
"You're showin' yer face!? When ya know I'e flared against his usual calm, his usual levity It was a stark contrast that Stella, Ace, and the rest of Aldrich's group were stunned to silence
Clint's ar the lab h enough that the drop would not be pleasant, to say the very least They would not die considering they were undead, but there would be ans
"No! Eainst his restraints It was a testath that the null shackles actually creaked and cracked
Diamondback immediately held a crystal-bladed ar him Alexis and Tox stood at attention Alan aimed an arm rocket launcher at the sword Falco blinked for a few seconds before stulanced at Shuten Doji, his eyes reflecting white for a moment as he read the fifth sword's rowled before hovering doards to gently lay the cube onto the ground
"You have learned respect, I see," Monk said, watching Clint's display of kindness
That lit a fuse in Clint That barely held-back anger a�" anger locked down by years of meditation and reflection a�" broke out like an unchained beast He is that sputtered trails of blue flaht at Monk like a human missile
And a human missile he was Clint had his fist outstretched, and it was encased in a bright red and orange glow charged with explosive energy
ClintAldrich instinctively flew backward using his cloak Ace did too, but Stella was a little slower in reacting, so Aldrich grabbed her by the shoulder to pull her back, out of harm's way