Chapter 291 Final Prep: Necropolis (2/2)
"Hm Nevertheless, I'd like you to try The fifth trial quest involves Gods, so when I get to it, I'll collaborate with you on this ain," said Aldrich
"I will not disavow an opportunity to cause a secret demon to suffer, so I will certainly try" Medula reached out and took Barbos's heart She eyed the other heart in Aldrich's hand It was not purple but greyed out, indicating that Nilah's actual soul was not in there "And what of that one? If ht This one has no soul in it, so it's just raw material I'd like you to process this into Cursevein"
Cursevein was the refined upgrade material one processed from a demonheart It looked like a black chord of flesh that went into the creation of curse related iteroup of ever , mysterious hooded artificers and et Cursevein made
"You will need a Facestealer for that," said Medula, restating Aldrich's thoughts
"I knohich is why I was hoping you had the knowledge," said Aldrich "Considering that you are, you know, a dee"
"I do, but it will take tiht lipped of their methods It will also take some effort that will involve Wai'Ki as well I should say that warrants a favor for me, no?"
Aldrich crossed his ar the spine of a book "The creature that Chrysa derives from - the Chrysalis - I want ive me"
"For what reason, can I ask?"
"Chrysa is naturally in tune with spatial forces due to her species' abilities It is a rare ability I cannot experiment on Chrysa for obvious reasons, so is it not natural, then, I would ask for additional sa"
Medula eyed Aldrich with red gaze She shrugged "I will use the sa the Necropolis from you As we are noe are codependent, for you are our existential anchor
If you fall, we fall, hence there is has been an unspoken alliance between us wherein we of the Necropolis support you to maintain our own existences
But if we are able to manifest in your realm independently, then there is no more reason for this co dependence"
"And, think in my perspective for a bit, ould I allow that to happen? We ood terms now, but it's as you say necessitated by the fact that all of you have to rely on me to exist
It's one of the reasons I've been rather lax ondeals with you or the Death Lord In the end, if I'o doith e away from me, and our cooperation becomes a little…tenuous"
"Then you wish for us to remain your tool for eternity?" Medula's voice dripped with accusation
"I see So one of the reasons you all have been funneling power into h to eventually owe you enough to find a way to break you out of this prison"
Chrysa looked between Aldrich and Medula with rising concern
"No, to yearn for freedom is sihout the normally quiet library Medula's eyes twitched in annoyance, not at all fond of decibels above a a page turning
The Death Lord flew into the conversation, standing in front of Aldrich She s no hostile intent