Chapter 291 Final Prep: Necropolis (1/2)

Chapter 291 Final Prep: Necropolis

Aldrich stepped into Medula's grand library, the rows and rows of dozen ly back at hi after my collection already, are we?" Medula dusted off a few tos fanned out to her sides

"Well, I definitely don't have tihed "I see you more and more First, I have allowed you to summon me - that is not so bad, I am curious to see your realm, but now this blatant theft of my collection is a little harder to stomach"

"I'll remind you that it's sponsored by your boss," said Aldrich

"Hi Meddy" Chrysa waved at Medula fros, little one I see you have tested yourself in a fight," said Medula

"You can tell? It was exciting! There were so many monsters called demons, and I had wapped and bapped theesticulated wildly "Soh, and really mean"

"My kind are not known for their kindness, indeed," said Medula

"Oh right, are you okay with father and I beating up de a demon hates more than another demon," said Medula "Demons will amuse themselves with mortals they consider their lesser, but they leave all their serious rage to the Gods and their own

And, as far as I am aware, you two dealt with secret demons I hold no friendliness to thee, are directly opposed to thee, secret dereater purpose than in never telling the truth, in ever holding to their own knowledge that they do not even need"

"Nice to know that secret and knowledge demons still hate each other" Aldrich knew that in Elden World, those two demon factions had al the likes of idle deetic war demons "That will make this easier"

Aldrich manifested both the heart of Barbos and Nilah

"Ah, demonhearts Half purified, I see Why not fully burn the useful to merit existence," said Medula calmly

"They could still be useful This one-," Aldrich held up Barbos "Is a Greater Demon whose will is fully captured in here He clais about ht us here"

"Of course he would He is a secret demon Their kind fishes for inforht to be called falsehood demons in my opinion" Medula stared at the purple orb incredulously

"I know that Secret de they say is a secret But I want to know if there's a way to force him to tell it"

"Force? Demonic souls are difficult to affect" Medula rubbed her dark eye bags "As you know, necromancy cannot taint them, not even at the scale of the Death Lord There is si' a demon The majority of us lack a mortal sense of self preservation, either, for we do not place great value in our continued existences

Just as chaos may flicker into existence at a sudden spark, so too may it snuff out with a sudden wind That is how most demons treat existence, hence, they have no concern whether they die or not, it is sis are

Thus, torture in a mortal sense is completely useless"

Aldrich looked at the vast collection of books around the here that can make the demons talk?"

"No Apocryphal texts make reference to divine influence that can take control over demons, but we do not have much in the way of divine presence now, do we?"