Chapter 273 Immortal Advice (2/2)

That is the point of this quest"

"I get it" Aldrich walked up to the Death Knight and took Chrysa fro face

"Father…" she whispered, nuzzling into Aldrich, still asleep

"I still want to shi+eld her," Aldrich adle I know she will have to see fights in her future It's inevitable just fro with me

But it's still difficult In a hen I look at her, at the innocence there that I want to protect, I still feel warmth in myself, and I don't want to let it fade away"

When you see her, you feel your hues of it that you harbor I see now Your desire to protect innocence - this is the single greatest anchor there is upon your soul"

"Is it a bad thing?" Aldrich asked

"It is a matter of perspective andelse, some other time in her life "I was always immortal, so I do not understand as well But I do know that the longer lived you are, thedesires

These are ill propel you forward To prevent your nant Immortalic Rot sets in faster than you think, especially with an immortal's perception of time, and once it sets in, the apathy, the hopelessness, you beco more than a void that sucks in the hopes of others

Some undead find their spiritual anchors in little flaht in their hearts Others in aoals Others in simple duty Others in love, others in hate - so many anchors across so many eternal lives that bloomed from death

Keep that flame of humanity of yours if it anchors your soul But do not let it burn you when youto make sacrifices when you have to You must not let it become a weakness"

"That, I've already resolved myself to do," said Aldrich

"Indeed I could read that in your soul from the moment I met you" The Death Lord turned to Aldrich and looked deeply into his eyes "You were firness to sacrifice

And to no surprise Your entire life in this new realm alked upon the road of sacrifice and loss

If that road grants you strength, then do not stray from it"

The Death Lord pointed to Chrysa "And let her walk it also She is born of your soul The road that granted you strength will grant her strength too

Through trial by fire, you were teed She will mold under the same conditions

Protect her, you may, but do not rob her of her choice, for choice is where she learns resolve, and resolve is where she builds strength"

Aldrich nodded "You can be surprisingly poetic at times"

"It comes with the years," said the Death Lord She ser was "Or perhaps, in a different life, if things were different, I would have liked to be one"

The Death Lord turned around and began to leave, her hands behind her back like soe Her draconic emerald scaled tail swished behind her "I will take ht sleep Awaken her when you desire and enter the trial quest when you can"

"One thing," said Aldrich

The Death Lord stopped "Hht here I'd like you to investigate it and see if you can find anything odd about it Whatever killed hi him as an undead," said Aldrich

The Death Lord cocked her head "Truly? Odd I will see to it that Medula and I thoroughly break it apart"

"No breaking it apart I need it for burial," said Aldrich

"Fine I will try my best now to rend it asunder, even if it will be difficult with how fragile the humans of the new realm are," said the Death Lord She walked away for a few steps before she faded away, teleporting

Aldrich was left looking down at Chrysa He stroked her hair, pulling a few ht white strands from her closed eyes She looked so very peaceful - the embodiment of the peace that Aldrich wanted for her and all others like her - but the Death Lord was right

If Chrysa wanted to walk Aldrich's path of struggle with hiive her that choice He carried her all the way over to his incomplete throne of emerald crystal and sat down upon it He closed his eyes and focused on his Boundary, and like that, he and Chrysa both faded, leaving behind just the purple orb that formed Aldrich's phylactery