Chapter 273 Immortal Advice (1/2)

Chapter 273 I my wares, are we?" The Death Lord materialized behind Aldrich, and he iht in his hands The tip of the golden sword hovered just an inch away from the Death Lord's pale, dainty neck

The Death Lord's serpentine tongue slithered out, curling around the blade tip in quite the suggestive manner before she sht Adhed and lowered the blade The weight felt nice in his hands, perfectly tailored to his preferences He had soe of how to use swords because vibroblades, monofilament whip-blades, and heatrend swords were pretty coainst heavily armored mutants or Alters with skin that could bounce o

"Just me? How rude" The Death Lord pouted

"And Chrysa?" Aldrich asked about as most important to him at the moment

The Death Lord nodded and waved forward A black arently carried Chrysa in its arms She slept peacefully noithout any hint of spatial disturbance bothering her

Aldrich had overseen the Death Lord's treat spell and broke Chrysa out of her night her instead pleasant dreams

And since the soul link flowed in tays, Aldrich could sense that Chrysa's mind was at peace

The Death Lord eyed Aldrich's cape Or, more specifically, her own cape "How do you like it? That priceless piece of fashi+on you don cost ether the souls of the finest warriors known throughout the realms"

"I'm more than happy with it," Aldrich admitted

"Once you complete your quest, that shall be yours But beyond that, that bell of yours will serve you to even greater degree"

Aldrich raised a brow "Will it now?"

The Death Lord nodded with confidence "It is reat bell that sits atop the Necropolis Once, that bell was s in a hand ifted towhenever it sensed a friend A kindred soul

That allowed ions like a true commander, full of those I trust"

"I did wonder about that" Aldrich desword "Every other necroe, barely ever kept their units capable of thinking

To me, it made sense Otherwise, what's the difference between a necromancer and an ordinary co?"

"Yet you seem to allow liberal freedom to your undead now"

Aldrich nodded "I do I realized if I kept expanding my pool of undead, I couldn't focus on all of theood my micro was

I knew that fro undead I started off with next to ues belohat you probably had And my mind was still human

Noto be a limit to how far I could spread ain, what you could naturally put out

If I wanted my units to always be at top capability, then I needed them to kno to think and fend for themselves

Of course, that presents risks like the rebellious thoughts, but I'vevariables"

"Then you understand why I too built ion the way I did," said the Death Lord "At first, when I was new to the dark arts, I did as you surmised I commanded vast armies of undead with my insurmountable draconic reater rew, the more I had to spread my undead, and theunder the chaht" Aldrich knew that in the lore, the Death Lord had been sealed throughout ht blessed cha One as, as the Death Lord said, powered by the Goddess Aht and life known as Eos

"My forces fell and scattered When at tiics severed my connection from them, many of theainst me," recounted the Death Lord "And now, I have learned froly serve ed "You cannot please everyone Soo"

Aldrich looked at Chrysa

"Are you considering that fate for her?" the Death Lord looked surprised

"No Well, in a way, yes" Aldrich paused, taking a moment to word this in a way that it did not sound an awful lot like enslaving a child "I' stressful situations It would give her less of an emotional burden and let me operate efficiently too"

"You two share a Boundary" The Death Lord put her hand to her chest, where her heart sat under considerable a it If you control her, you may be able to wield her powers as they are now, but she will never grow, and if she never grows, she will never be able to add to your Boundary

True, you need power, stable power, now, but again, you have an eternity Think to the future, Death Walker The little one th