Chapter 238 - Infiltration (2/2)
"We have six days until the hearing with Thanatos Six days where the Dark Six will not expect us to make a move," said Aldrich "The sooner we strike, the more unprepared they will be
Casiets less and less reliable with every passing day"
"So we're gonna get in on the first strike?" said Stella
"Yes," said Aldrich
"I don't know" Stella furrowed her brows "I like the idea of taking on the Dark Six, but whole reason we're even out here is to try and get the chiefs' support, right?
I feel like dunking theet cold feet All of theht That's why I haven't beenany moves so far I wanted to wait until the chiefs were fully on ht maybe they would take my side when they realized the Dark Six cut them off, but aside from Clint, most of them, especially Gerard, seem to want to maintain some level of neutrality
For the chiefs to really coainst the Dark Six, there needs to be a casus belli for them to rally around," said Aldrich
"Cass Bell?" asked Ace
"Casus belli It's a latin ter 'cause for war'" explained Aldrich "The Dark Six needs to hurt them first Give them a wound to nurse and feel the pain of so that they have the will to retaliate instead of running into the Wastelands"
"…Are you suggestinganything," said Aldrich "I' that quite soon, we'll have to be battle ready Enjoy your drinks, but make sure you stay alert Get used to these new bodies and test your liht need it much sooner than you think"
Aldrich stood in his base's control rooone except Svetlanna who couldher powers
Spybird was right In pure processing power, Svetlanna was a monster, able to match Casimir's tech crew by herself
Svetlanna sat there on the round, her posture almost childlike Coils of her wire and cable hair radiated outwards like a spiderweb, connecting tointo Desmond's cyberspace? Now that's ballsy," said Svetlanna
"Can you do it?" said Aldrich
"I could Infiltration's erous, even for ht?"
"I have a rough idea," said Aldrich He knew that technology had funda
nobody knew exactly how it happened, but at one point, all the networks and prograed into one massive virtual space now dubbed as 'Cyberspace'
Cyberspace was essentially a virtual reality An entire world of its own Or rather, a mirror world to the real world, or meatworld as technos called it
Cyberspace looked like a three di could be built up into tangible blocks, and those blocks could be formed and stacked to create infrastructure
Anyone could enter Cyberspace with brainjacks and neural decks, but technos had thepower' That is, they could more easily manipulate or create the countless blocks that built Cyberspace up
Technos with higher processing power couldreality warpers in Cyberspace
That hy Fisk got outscaled by Svetlanna He had far less processing power,he could not interact with the blocks to nearly the saht then," said Svetlanna "Because I was going to say you shouldn't expect too much from even ic, but it's far from that
For an Infiltrator like me, I'm basically like a spy or assassin Except in virtual reality There's a lot of dangers that come with the job like surveillance and security
Desuarded In cyberspace, it looks like a darade A defense, probably because he's storing a lot of sensitive information in it
Without access keys, I can't do anything, and I bet he guards that with his life and more"
"I have the keys memorized," said Aldrich siet that inforhtly "You're not the only one that kno to spy"