Chapter 239 - Desmond (1/2)
Chapter 239 - Desmond
"You have the keys?" Svetlanna exclai her coet them? Did you infiltrate Desmond's cyberfort by yourself?"
"No, if I could do that, I wouldn't be asking you noould I?" said Aldrich "I do have so that compares to even a low level techno"
That was true Non technos could access cyberspace as ith various for such as cyberdecks, head jacks, wrist ports, etcetera, but getting into the space was all they could reallycode blocks that built up everything in cyberspace took o old school,the code within each of countless blocks whereas technos could just do it with their minds
Techno avatars in cyberspace also had h the space faster andpower also tended to develop unique powers in cyberspace such as the ability to hide away from security detection or corrupt security protocols
It was better to think of cyberspace as less 'code' and ate the space using a virtual avatar, and if that died, they died too
In fact, fights within cyberspace were verydegrees of reality warping Technos manipulated the blocks around them to create weapons and shi+elds and security or attack protocols that acted like su, a non techno was defenseless They could load into cyberspace with preset assets that granted them attack or defense power, but so could technos
The biggest issue came in combat Technos could repair their avatars or their weapons with their minds Non technos could not Technos could easily switch between various code constructs or alter them mid combat Non technos could not
The only non techno that Aldrich kneho could compete with technos in cyberspace was Elaine, and she was a one in a enius Someone like Aldrich was basically as helpless as a toddler in cyberspace
Elaine He had to ood on her last wishes too Aldrich had sidelined that, having gotten caught up in fighting and establishi+ng himself But he needed to do that sooner rather than later
Her adoptive father probably did not have much time left in hi about?" said Svetlanna "I can't i Desed with so device"
"Your assumption would be correct" Aldrich was impressed by Svetlanna's deductive capability
"Okay then, you probably have contact addresses, not keys" said Svetlanna "I doubt Desmond and his crew try to operate visibly incalls
They're probably in rooht? Dark and full of ? Do they even havethe fact that the only reason we have display screens is to shohat's going on to non technos, I figure a full techno creouldn't even need any"
"Rooms are dark, yeah," said Aldrich 'Dark' as in there were no screens to display anything Just technos jacked in, seeing everything with their h screens "But Desmond makes routine business calls He shares keys there"
"If he's not sending thee, then he probably has a few old school clients that prefer chit chat over text How unlucky," said Svetlanna Her eyes flashed a bright blue as she started to traverse through cyberspace "Tell 9b985 and LG2a22c41dd2783," said Aldrich
"Interesting Yeah, definitely addresses They lead me somewhere in cyberspace, but they don't actually crack any security These codes aren't secure enough for his main fort anyway," said Svetlanna She crossed her arhed "In this case, they leadis, these aren't burner servers that get generated and tossed routinely
From what I know, Desmond's an information broker that takes requests and reports from basically everywhere, so he needs stable servers with stable addresses or else he would be too hard to track down
What I can do is if I could access this server, I could plant a bug in it that could worh deeper into Desmond's more sensitive infrastructure
He probably records everything that goes in these servers and transfers the info to his base, so I can hijack that pathway
My cyberspace power specializes in creating bugs, so even if there's a sap, I can abuse it"
"Then the solution seems easy," said Aldrich "Just send hie"
"Sure," said Svetlanna "I' that now You can expect an answer pretty soon But while that's pending, I wanted to ask you, what did Z say?"
"She said nothing," said Aldrich "Well, she did ask how you were doing, but that's about it"
"Really now?" Svetlanna closed her eyes for a ed into co co blue eyes
When she opened her eyes back up, she shrugged "I shouldn't have expected anything different Thanks for going through the trouble"